ER-2 Flight: 96108

Date: April 26, 1996

Mission: Coordinated flight between ER-2 and NOAA-14 satellite.

Mission Objectives

Observe cirrus and contrails during overpass of the NOAA-14 satellite to assist in the development of satellite remote sensing techniques.

Flight Summary

Take-off time was 1730 UTC with landing at 2100 UTC. ER-2 flew NW to altitude and returned to vicinity of Salina. Lee wave mission was cancelled. ER-2 mission was adjusted accordingly. Pilot was to visually locate and fly over contrails. ER-2 flew into the solar principle plane during the NOAA-14 satellite overpass.


Obtained coincident data with NOAA-14.

Instrument Status

Additional Pilot Notes: During the 1831 to 1834 UTC leg the ER-2 overflew a fresh contrail (the commercial aircraft pilot could visually see the ER-2). Flew into the solar plane during the leg 38:00N 9610:W and 36:20N 98:10W (1956 and 2009 UTC). A good contrail was observed around 1847. During the leg between 1841 and 1855 UTC pilot observed 7 to 10 contrails. Also overflew a contrail on the 1952 to 1954 UTC leg. Contrails appeared to be below the cirrus.