ER-2 Flight: 96100
Date: April 8, 1996
Mission: Ferry flight from Moffett Field CA to Salina KS.
Mission Objectives
Get to Salina!
Flight Summary
Take off was 15:30 UTC and arrival at Salina 18:45 UTC.
MAS viewed contrails near Lake Mono region. Interesting HIS spectra
collected over clear sky Rocky Mountain scenes.
Instrument Status
- Modis Airborne Simulator (MAS): Operated. Good data collected.
- Cloud Aerosol Lidar System (CALS): Not operated.
- High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS): Operated. Good
data collected.
- Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer(MIR): Operated. Good Data.
- Tilt Scan CCD Camera (TSCC): Operated - data quality unkown
at this time.
- Radiation Measuring System (RAMS): Not flown.
- RC-10 Camera: Operated.
Additional Pilot Notes: