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Hurricane Ivan    September 2nd - 24th
         Ivan the Terrible

Wild Weather

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Created by UW-Madison, 2002

Ivan developed off the west coast of Africa and meteorologists started tracking it via satellites on September 2nd. Ivan intensified as it moved west until it reached hurricane strength on September 5th. Ivan reached rare category 5 strength for the first time while over the Caribbean Sea on September 9th before weakening as it skirted just south of the island of Jamaica. Ivan regained category 5 strength on September 11th and caused considerable damage and loss of life on Grand Cayman Island. Ivan briefly weakened to a category 4 on September 12th but revved back up to a 5 for the third and final time.

Ivan weakened to category 3 as it approached the United States via the Gulf of Mexico to make landfall near Gulf Shore Alabama on September 16th. After landfall, Ivan made a large clockwise loop over the southeast U.S. and actually developed to tropical storm strength on September 23rd the second time it meandered out over the Gulf of Mexico! Moving onshore again over southwestern Louisiana on September 24th, Ivan finally dissipated over Texas later that same day. In all, 90 deaths have been attributed to Hurricane Ivan.

POES Image from the Aqua Satellite

GOES 12 Visible Image


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