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ABI Summary

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Created by UW-Madison, 2002

TheAdvanced Baseline Imager represents an exciting expansion in geostationary remote sensing capabilities and will be used for a wide range of weather, oceanographic, climate, and environmental applications. ABI addresses the needs of the many users of geostationary data by increasing spatial resolution (to better monitor small-scale features), scanning faster (to improve temporal sampling and to scan additional regions), and adding spectral bands (to enable new and improved products for a wide range of phenomena). Every product that is being produced from the current GOES imager will be improved with data from the ABI. In addition, several new products will be possible that exploit the improved spectral, temporal, and spatial resolutions.


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This material for this module was taken from the ABI overview article: T. J. Schmit, M. M. Gunshor, W. Paul Menzel, Jun Li, Scott Bachmeier, James J. Gurka, 2005: Introducing the Next-generation Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-R, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol 8, August, pp. 1079-1096.    Contact the ABI Team for a copy of the manuscript: E-Mail Contact Form