# # 2021210 120011 UTC Initial version # # This is a parameter file, to be used with the CIMSS UNIX script: make_geo2grid_files_with_paramfile7.scr # Enter: make_geo2grid_files_with_paramfile7.scr h to get help information. # geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -g eastern_us --grid-configs geo2grid_config.conf -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; ENTIRE IMAGE; MAX RESOLUTION OF SPECIFIED PRODUCTS (geo2grid.sh DEFAULT): #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; ENTIRE IMAGE; MAX RESOLUTION OF SPECIFIED PRODUCTS (geo2grid.sh DEFAULT): #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; ENTIRE IMAGE; MAKE ALL BANDS MATCH MAX RESOLUTION BAND(S): #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -g MAX --match-resolution -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; ENTIRE IMAGE; MAKE ALL BANDS MATCH MIN RESOLUTION BAND(S): #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -g MIN --match-resolution -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; MAKE ALL BANDS MATCH MAX RESOLUTION BAND(S) WITHIN SPECIFIED LAT/LON BOUNDS: #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -g MAX --match-resolution --ll-bbox lonmin latmin lonmax latmax -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file ###NATIVE PROJECTION; MAKE ALL BANDS MATCH MIN RESOLUTION BAND(S) WITHIN SPECIFIED LAT/LON BOUNDS: #geo2grid.sh -r abi_l1b -w geotiff -p product -g MIN --match-resolution --ll-bbox lonmin latmin lonmax latmax -f /arcdata/goes/grb/goessatnum/ccyy/ccyy_MM_DD_ddd/abi/L1b/sector/OR_ABI-L1b-sector-MquesCquesques_Gsatnum_sccyydddhhmmasterisk.nc --radius-of-influence 50000 --output-filename tif_file p2g_grid_helper.sh eastern_us -90 45 650 -650 1200 1000 > geo2grid_config.conf # West- North+ meters(integer) -meters(integer) integer integer add_colormap.sh GA20P1_255BLACK_WV_MX2017P2_colortable.txt tif_file|C08,C09,C10 ; add_colormap.sh GA20P1_255BLACK_colortable.txt tif_file|C07,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16 # Some colorbar options [--add-colorbar] [--colorbar-width COLORBAR_WIDTH] [--colorbar-height COLORBAR_HEIGHT] [--colorbar-extend] # [--colorbar-tick-marks COLORBAR_TICK_MARKS] [--colorbar-text-size COLORBAR_TEXT_SIZE] [--colorbar-text-color [COLORBAR_TEXT_COLOR [COLORBAR_TEXT_COLOR ...]]] [--colorbar-font COLORBAR_FONT] # [--colorbar-align {left,top,right,bottom}] [--colorbar-vertical] [--colorbar-no-ticks] [--colorbar-min COLORBAR_MIN] [--colorbar-max COLORBAR_MAX] [--colorbar-units COLORBAR_UNITS] ###add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=i --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=white --add-colorbar --colorbar-align top --colorbar-tick-marks 10 --colorbar-text-size 16 --colorbar-title dquotesatnamedashsatnum prod_synonymdquote --colorbar-units K --colorbar-min 280 --colorbar-max 180 -o png_file|C08,C09,C10 ; add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=i --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=blue -o png_file|C01,C02,C03,C04,C05,C06,C07,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16 ; add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=i --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=blue -o png_file|true_color,true_color_raw,natural_color,airmass,ash,dust,fog,night_microphysics ###add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=i --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=white --add-colorbar --colorbar-align top --colorbar-tick-marks 10 --colorbar-text-size 16 --colorbar-title dquotesatnamedashsatnum prod_synonymdquote --colorbar-units C --colorbar-min 7 --colorbar-max -93 -o png_file|C08,C09,C10 add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=h --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=white -o png_file|C08,C09,C10 ; add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=h --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=blue -o png_file|C01,C02,C03,C04,C05,C06,C07,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16 ; add_coastlines.sh tif_file dashdashadd-coastlines dashdashcoastlines-resolution=h --coastlines-level 5 dashdashcoastlines-outline=blue dashdashadd-borders dashdashborders-resolution=f dashdashborders-outline=blue -o png_file convert latest_file -gravity North -background transparent -undercolor dquotergbalparen238,233,233,0.75rparendquote -font Courier-10-Pitch-Bold -fill black -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector productlparenprod_wlrparen DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign hhcolonmmcolonsecs_from_filename UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file|C01,C02,C03,C04,C05,C06,C07,C08,C09,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16 ; convert latest_file -gravity North -background transparent -undercolor dquotergbalparen238,233,233,0.75rparendquote -font Courier-10-Pitch-Bold -fill black -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign hhcolonmmcolonsecs_from_filename UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file ###convert latest_file -gravity South -background transparent -undercolor dquotergbalparen255,255,255,0.25rparendquote -font Courier-10-Pitch-Bold -fill black -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector productlparenprod_wlrparen DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign hhcolonmmcolonsecs_from_filename UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file|C01,C02,C03,C04,C05,C06,C07,C08,C09,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16 ; convert latest_file -gravity South -background transparent -undercolor dquotergbalparen255,255,255,0.25rparendquote -font Courier-10-Pitch-Bold -fill black -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign hhcolonmmcolonsecs_from_filename UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file ###convert latest_file -gravity South -font helvetica -undercolor white -strokewidth 5 -fill black -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign HhMmSs UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file ###convert latest_file -gravity South -font helvetica -transparent Black -undercolor Black -fill white -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product DDdashn_monthdashccyy fslash ccyyddd atsign HhMmSs UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file ###convert latest_file -gravity NorthWest -font helvetica -undercolor Black -fill white -pointsize 20 -annotate +20+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product ccyymmdd atsign HhMmSs UTCdquote latest_file ; convert latest_file -gravity South -font helvetica -undercolor Black -fill white -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+20 dquotesatellite instrument sector product ccyymmdd lbrackccyydddrbrack atsign HhMmSs UTC UW-SSEC CIMSSdquote latest_file place_2_logos_on_images2.scr latest_file /home/shared/mcidas/data/resized_SSEC_Logo.png 100 20 100 none X X X ; place_2_logos_on_images2.scr latest_file none X X X /home/shared/mcidas/data/resized_NOAA_Logo.png 100 80 115 ###place_2_logos_on_images2.scr latest_file /home/shared/mcidas/data/resized_SSEC_Logo.png 100 20 100 none X X X ; place_2_logos_on_images2.scr latest_file none X X X /home/shared/mcidas/data/CIMSS_logo_web_multicolor.png 100 117 115 make_mp4_from_various_input_files5.scr dquotedsignlcurlymp4_input_filesrcurlydquote mp4_file fps 0 0 X 23 jpg X X ; make_animated_gif_from_mp4_2.scr mp4_file X X Selected geo2grid.sh options: 1.) -h -- help 2.) -r -- reader to use 3.) -w -- writer to use 4.) -p -- product(s) to create 5.) -g gridname -- name of grid to use (name will also be in the grid configuration file that gets built by having: --grid-configs in the geo2grid.sh commandline) 6.) -g MAX --match-resolution -- Make all bands match MAXimum resolution band(s) 7.) -g MIN --match-resolution -- Make all bands match MINimum resolution band(s) 8.) --ll-bbox lonmin latmin lonmax latmax -- latlon bounds to subset input data 9.) -f -- input files and paths Selected add_coastlines.sh options and examples: 1.) -h -- help 2.) --add_coastlines -- Write coastlines onto the *.tif file(s) created by geo2grid.sh --coastlines-resolution=c,l,i,h,f (crude,low,intermediate(def),high,full) --coastlines-outline=coastline color (e.g., yellow(def), red, green, etc) 3.) --add_borders -- Write country and/or region borders onto the *.tif file(s) created by geo2grid.sh --borders-resolution=c,l,i,h,f (crude,low,intermediate(def),high,full) --borders-outline=borders color (e.g., white(def), red, green, yellow, etc) 4.) --add_grid -- Write lat/lon grid onto the *.tif file(s) created by geo2grid.sh --grid-fill=color of grid labels (cyan(def), red, green, yellow, etc) --grid-outline=color of grid lines (e.g., cyan(def), red, green, yellow, etc) --grid-text-size=size of grid text (def=32) --grid-D GRID-D GRID-D=number of (lon,lat) degrees between grid lines (def=10.0) 5.) --add_colorbar -- Write a colorbar onto the *.tif file(s) created by geo2grid.sh 6.) Example: --add-grid --grid-no-text --grid-text-size 12 --grid-outline yellow --grid-width 1 --grid-d 30.0 30.0 --grid-D 30.0 30.0 -- an example of adding lat/lon lines See also: section #8 of https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/software/geo2grid/index.html (Geo2Grid online Users Guide) Selected convert options: 1.) -font fontname -- name of font to use (convert -list font # Get complete list of fonts) 2.) -undercover color -- color of background for the text box 3.) -fill color -- color of the text within the text box 4.) -pointsize number -- size of displayed text 5.) -gravity direction -- Center your text in the specified image location (convert -list gravity # Get complete list of gravity options) 6.) -annotate +/-X+/-Y -- X and Y offsets of the text within the image, relative to the gravity setting (if no gravity setting, default = northwest corner of the image) 7.) -stroke color -- color of a border that surrounds the text within the text box 8.) -strokewidth number -- width (in pixels) of a border that surrounds the text within the text box See also: info convert -or- man convert General geo2grid information: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/csppgeo/geo2grid_v1.0.2.html (brief online summary) https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/software/geo2grid/index.html (Geo2Grid online Users Guide)