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Tracking the Weather using Satellite Imagery

Weather Forecasting

Beginning of Module

Created by UW-Madison, 2002

Here are four satellite images from four days in a row. You should be able to tell at a glance where the moisture is. Can you track the Low pressure as it moves across the country? Try to find the fronts. Where do you think the High pressure is?

It is always helpful to animate satellite images. Can you see the storms marching across the United States?

Here are two forecasting activities to try at home.
First, collect the forecast from your local newspaper each day for a week. Compare Monday's forecast for the weekend with Friday's forecast for the weekend. Are they different? Why?
At the same time, or maybe another week, watch the weather on the evening news. Pay close attention to the satellite images they show. You should be able to notice the same information on the satellite images as the weather map in newspaper or on the rest of the weather report. Make your own forecast for the weekend.

