Wildfire Alert
Aid: 833461
Alert Type: Possible Wildfire
Date: 2024-10-02 16:31:17
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Basic Information | |
State/Province(s) | OK |
Country/Countries | USA |
County/Locality(s) | Muskogee County, OK |
NWS WFO | Tulsa OK |
Identification Method | Enhanced Contextual (Clear) |
Mean Object Date/Time | 2024-10-02 16:32:20UTC |
Radiative Center (Lat, Lon): | 35.510000°, -95.220000° |
Nearby Counties (meeting alert criteria): |
Total Radiative Power Anomaly | n/a |
Total Radiative Power | 14.36 MW |
Map: | |
Additional Information | |
Alert Status | New Feature |
Type of Event | Nominal Risk |
Event Priority Ranking | 4 |
Maximum Observed BT (3.9 um) | 304.83 K |
Observed - Background BT (3.9 um) | 1.87 K |
BT Anomaly (3.9 um) | 1.20 K |
Maximum Observed - Clear RTM BT (3.9 um) | 9.06 K |
Maximum Observed BTD (3.9-10/11/12 um) | 11.33 K |
Observed - Background BTD (3.9-10/11/12 um) | 2.86 K |
BTD Anomaly (3.9-10/11/12 um) | 3.12 K |
Similar Pixel Count | 23 |
BT Time Tendency (3.9 um) | 1.70 K |
Image Interval | 5.00 minutes |
Fraction of Surrounding LWIR Pixels that are Colder | 0.09 |
Fraction of Surrounding Red Channel Pixels that are Brighter | 1.00 |
Maximum Radiative Power | 14.36 MW |
Maximum Radiative Power Uncertainty | 0.00 MW |
Total Radiative Power Uncertainty | 0.00 MW |
Mean Viewing Angle | 46.60° |
Mean Solar Zenith Angle | 45.60° |
Mean Glint Angle | 92.10° |
Water Fraction | 0.00 |
Total Pixel Area | 6.70 km2 |
Latest Satellite Imagery: | |