International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package

 MODIS Level 1 Version 1.0 release     15 September 2023

This is the first IMAPP release of a stand alone MODIS Level 1 software package that accepts input MODIS Level 0 Production Data Set (PDS) files and creates output Level 1B calibrated and geolocated HDF4 files. The IMAPP MODIS Level 1 software is packaged in the form of a container that can be executed on Linux operating systems. It contains binary executable files, scripts and supporting static data files, as well as input and output files for verification of a successful installation. Source code can be provided upon request.

The MODIS Level 1 software is created and maintained by the SeaDAS Development Group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) ( ). This release contains only the portion of the SeaDAS software that creates MODIS calibrated and geolocated MODIS Level 1 HDF4 output files. Our intention is to make it easy for the direct broadcast community to create MODIS Level 1 products.

System Requirements

System requirements for the IMAPP MODIS Level 1 software are as follows:
  • Intel or AMD CPU (2013 or later model) supporting 64-bit instructions
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 10 GB of disk space
Release Notes
  • The software has been tested on CentOS 7.9, Rocky Linux 8.5, and Windows 10 WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04.
  • The IMAPP MODIS Level 1 software requires that the Apptainer software for running containers ( is installed. Both apptainer and apptainer-suid are required.
  • Software execution takes place through two simple bash shell scripts that wrap underlying python, which then executes the basic MODIS calibration and geolocation programs that are distributed as part of the SeaDAS Ocean Color Science Software (OCSSW) in the form of an Apptainer (formerly Singularity) container. The scripts execute the OCSSW using a set of standard arguments that require only that the source MODIS Level 0 PDS file(s) exist in the execution directory.
Software, test data and documentation are avaialble through the IMAPP download page.