GOES-R Short Course Derived Products Hands-on Exercise

(Based on "VISIT - NWA Workshop for GOES-R and JPSS")

Dodge City, KS Tornado Outbreak

Introduction to Scenario and Shift Change Briefing

Location of Dodge City, KS (DDC) via Google Map and County Warning Area (CWA)

0000-1200Z, 27 May 2015

GOES 30-minute data: Visible and Infrared (IR)

Surface and Upper-Air Charts

Radar: Base Reflectivity and Base Velocity

Nearcasting Product from GOES Sounder

NAM 32-km

1200-1400Z, 27 May 2015

GOES 1-minute data: Visible and Infrared (IR)

Surface and Upper-Air Charts

Radar: Base Reflectivity and Base Velocity

Nearcasting Product from GOES Sounder

NAM 32-km

1400-1900Z, 27 May 2015

GOES 1-minute data: Visible and Infrared (IR)

Surface and Upper-Air Charts

Radar: Base Reflectivity and Base Velocity

Nearcasting Product from GOES Sounder

NAM 32-km

Convective Initation (CI) Product (not a GOES-16 baseline product)

1900-2359Z, 27 May 2015

GOES 1-minute data: Visible and Infrared (IR)

Surface and Upper-Air Charts

Radar: Base Reflectivity and Base Velocity

Nearcasting Product from GOES Sounder

NAM 32-km

Convective Initation (CI) Product (not a GOES-16 baseline product)

ProbSevere (not a GOES-16 baseline product)

Additional Resources

Training Resources

Link to the source for this exercise, "VISIT - NWA Workshop for GOES-R and JPSS"