** GOES-16 data posted on this page are preliminary, non-operational data and are undergoing testing **


29 April 2017 -- Severe flooding hits Missouri?

Life-threatening flooding his southeastern Missouri on 29-30 April 2017. This lab shows you ABI Infrared Window (11.2 um) and Visible Imagery (0.64 um) as well as Lightning Data from the GLM and from surface-based observations:

Scene from 0000-0100 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM Imagery[Click to play animated GIF] **Click to play** This animation covers the time from 0000 to 0100 UTC on 29 April 2017. Earlier convection has moved off to the east of Missouri.

Scene from 0059-0210 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated GIF] **Click to play**This animation covers the time from 0059 to 0210 UTC. Lightning is starting up again over the Bootheel of Missouri.

Scene from 0200-0252 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play** This animation covers the time from 0200-0252 UTC on 29 April 2017. Lightning spreads across southern Missouri.

Scene from 0250-0510 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning -- extensive Lightning -- persists in a line across southern Missouri.

Scene from 0510-0710 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning expands into the cold cloud shield north of the main line of convection.

Scene from 0700-0840 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning in the Cold Cloud Shield wanes.

Scene from 0840-1200 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning moves north into central Missouri as the southern Convective line weakens.

Scene from 1200-1550 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning is mostly over central Missouri.

Scene from 1550-1900 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning increases in central Missouri and moves to the south.

Scene from 1900-2200 UTC on 29 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning gradually tapers off.

Scene from 2200-0240 UTC on 30 April 2017

GOES-16 ABI IR Window and GLM [click to play animated gif] **Click to play**Lightning gradually tapers off.

Animations of lightning Word Doc with Discussion/Questions.