Filename: firstlight.doc Last Updated: 13Apr2022 JPN Steps to take when generating firstlight GOES imagery for GOES-18 or GOES-19: 1.) mkdir new_directory 2.) cd new_directory 3.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_directory. 4.) Note that in the following sample commands, the GOES-16 or -17 ADDE dataset names can be changed to the corresponding GOES-18 or -19 names. A.) Make one 16-panel image, using imagery from the ADDE dataset AGOES16/FD valid on 2022102 at 180020 UTC. Each image panel will be 300x300 pixels in size. firstlight_goes2.scr AGOES16/FD 16 TEST_DO_NOT_POST_G16_FD_2022102_300x300 4x4:-80:-80 2022102 180020 -2 C 300 300 X X X | tee out4x4_g16 2>&1 B.) Make one 16-panel image, using imagery from the ADDE dataset AGOES17/FD valid on 2022102 at 180032 UTC. Each image panel will be 300x300 pixels in size. firstlight_goes2.scr AGOES17/FD 17 TEST_DO_NOT_POST_G17_FD_2022102_300x300 4x4:-80:-80 2022102 180032 -2 C 300 300 X X X | tee out4x4_g17 2>&1 C.) Make six (6) single-panel images from GOES-16 ABI band 2 imagery, using imagery from the ADDE dataset AGOES16/FD valid on 2022102 at 180020 UTC. The images will be the following (y-dimension by x-dimension) sizes, in pixels: 400x400, 800x800, 1600x1600, 3200x3200, 6400x6400, 12800x12800 firstlight_goes2.scr AGOES16/FD 16 TEST_DO_NOT_POST_G16_FD_2022102 1x1:-60:-60 2022102 180020 -2 C 400 400 X X X | tee out1x1_g16 2>&1 D.) Make one side-by-side image using GOES-16, GOES-17, -18 or -19 ABI imagery, for one or more of the 16 available ABI bands. By using either the IMGREMAP (1-byte) or REMAP2 (2-byte) commands, one (specified) set of imagery is always remapped into the other set of imagery. For example, GOES-17 imagery could be remapped into the (firstlight) GOES-18 imagery projection, etc. side-by-side_ABI_East_West_remap2.scr AGOES17/FD 17 AGOES16/FD 16 2022101 170000 2022101 170100 "2" X X X X X "L" X X X X | tee b2_g17_g16_2km.out 2>&1 E.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steps to take when generating firstlight GOES imagery for GOES-17: 1.) VERY IMPORTANT: cd into your scripts directory, and do the following: cp -p /home/gops/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr . Now you should be able to do any of the following types of firstlight imagery generation. Good luck! A.) 16-panel (firstlight) imagery 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and update line #90 for: (input) ADDE dataset (arg#2), satellite (arg#3), name template (arg#4), ccyyddd (arg#5), and hhmmss (arg#6). 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_16p_firstlight.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the (3) *0016PANELS.GIF files (ls -alt *0016PANELS.GIF) B.) 16-panel (operational GOES-East) imagery 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and update line #96 for: (input) ADDE dataset (arg#2), satellite (arg#3), name template (arg#4), ccyyddd (arg#5), and hhmmss (arg#6). 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_16p_opereast.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the (3) *0016PANELS.GIF files (ls -alt *0016PANELS.GIF). C.) 16-panel (operational GOES-West) imagery 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and update line #94 for: (input) ADDE dataset (arg#2), satellite (arg#3), name template (arg#4), ccyyddd (arg#5), and hhmmss (arg#6). 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_16p_operwest.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the (3) *0016PANELS.GIF files (ls -alt *0016PANELS.GIF). D.) 2-panel (i.e., side-by-side, firstlight versus (remapped) operational GOES-East) imagery, 0.5km resolution 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and update line #119 for: (input) ADDE dataset (arg#1), satellite # (arg#2), operational GOES-East ADDE dataset (arg#3), operational GOES-East satellite # (arg#4), starting ccyyddd (arg#6), starting hhmmss (arg#7), ending ccyyddd (arg#8), ending hhmmss (arg#9), center lat (arg#10), center lon (arg#11), etc. *NOTE: This imagery (0.5km resolution) covers a somewhat limited domain. As a result, arg#1 and arg#3 within the runner_firstlight.scr commandline (line #119) could be either CONUS or FD, depending on the region/highlight you are showing. In any case, arg#1 and arg#3 will probably both be either CONUS or FD. 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_2p_remap_opereast.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the (16) *0002PANELS.GIF files (ls -alt *0002PANELS.GIF). E.) 2-panel (i.e., side-by-side, firstlight versus (remapped) operational GOES-West) imagery, 0.5km resolution 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and update line #121 for: (input) ADDE dataset (arg#1), satellite # (arg#2), operational GOES-West ADDE dataset (arg#3), operational GOES-West satellite # (arg#4), starting ccyyddd (arg#6), starting hhmmss (arg#7), ending ccyyddd (arg#8), ending hhmmss (arg#9), center lat (arg#10), center lon (arg#11), etc. *NOTE: This imagery (0.5km resolution) covers a somewhat limited domain. As a result, arg#1 and arg#3 within the runner_firstlight.scr commandline (line #121) could be either CONUS or FD, depending on the region/highlight you are showing. In any case, arg#1 and arg#3 will probably both be either CONUS or FD. 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_2p_remap_operwest.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the (16) *0002PANELS.GIF files (ls -alt *0002PANELS.GIF). F.) 2-panel (i.e., side-by-side) firstlight full disk versus operational GOES-West full disk imagery 1.) Edit $HOME/scripts/runner_firstlight.scr, and uncomment line #141. *NOTE: This imagery covers the full disk. 2.) Create a new directory (mkdir new_dir_name) 3.) cd new_dir_name 4.) 1ds # Run the 1ds alias/command, to cause all McIDAS-X processing to run in new_dir_name. 5.) runner_firstlight.scr | tee runner_firstlight_2p_fulldisk_operwest.out 2>&1 6.) Look at the *.GIF files (ls -alt *.GIF).