Hold the left mouse button down as you drag the Slider control (labelled "Set Fade Level") above the image (or click on the arrow buttons) to fade between the GOES-08 6.7 micrometer InfraRed ("water vapor") channel image and the corresponding 6.5 micrometer GOES-12 and the 6.7 micrometer Terra MODIS water vapor images at 16:12-16:15 UTC on 04 February 2003. To zoom, click on the "Zoom" button, and then click the "hand" cursor on the image where you want to center the zoom. To toggle between the 2 images, click in the middle of the grey Slider control area, beneath the word "Fade" in "Set Fade Level".
The water vapor imagery revealed an extensive pattern of mountain waves to the lee of the Appalachian Mountains during the day. There were several pilot reports of moderate to severe turbulence over that particular region.