GOES-11 was launched on 03 May 2000, and is in the process of being checked out by teams from NASA and NOAA. These examples show the first infrared full disk images from the GOES-11 Imager at 18:30 UTC on 14 June. One of the most prominent features that day was Tropical Storm Bud, located off the southwest tip of the Baja California peninsula. Closer views of T.S. Bud are shown below, with IR channel comparisons from GOES-8 (at 17:45 UTC) and GOES-10 (at 18:00 UTC). All data are shown in their respective satellite projections.
GOES-11 Imager Compared to GOES-8/10 |
GOES-11 Imager Compared to GOES-8/10 |
GOES-11 Imager Compared to GOES-8/10 |
GOES-11 Imager Compared to GOES-8/10 |
GOES-11 Full Disk Image