Select GOES-8 Journal References, Chronological     

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Raymond, William H., Wade, Gary S., Zapotocny, Tom H. 2004: Assimilating GOES Brightness Temperatures. Part I: Upper-Tropospheric Moisture.Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 17–27.

Ceballos, J.C.; Bottino, M.J., and de Souza, J.M. A simplified physical model for assessing solar radiation over Brazil using GOES 8 visible imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research v.109, no.D2, 2004, Art. No.D02211.

Dunion, J.P., and C.S. Velden, 2004: The impact of the Saharan Air Layer on Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 353–365


Ba, Mamoudou B., Ellingson, Robert G., Gruber, A. 2003: Validation of a Technique for Estimating OLR with the GOES Sounder.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology: Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 79–89.

Ellingson, Robert G., Ba, Mamoudou B. 2003: A Study of Diurnal Variation of OLR from the GOES Sounder. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology: Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 90–99.

Walker, N.; Myint, S.; Babin, A., and Haag, A. Advances in satellite radiometry for the surveillance of surface temperatures, ocean eddies and upwelling processes in the Gulf of    Mexico using GOES-8 measurements during summer. Geophysical Research Letters v.30, no.15, August 2003, Art. No.1854.

Roberts, R.D. and Rugledge, S.  Nowcasting storm initiation and growth using GOES-8 and WSR-88D data.  Weather and Forecasting v.18, no.4, August 2003, pp.562-584.

Wang, J.; Christopher, S.A.; Reid, J.S.; Maring, H.; Savoie, D.; Holben, B.N.; Livingston, J.M.; Russell, P.B., and Yank, S-K. GOES 8 retrieval of dust aerosol optical thickness over the Atlantic Ocean during PRIDE. Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.108, no.D19, 31 July 2003, Art. No.8595.

Plokhenko, Y.; Menzel, W.P.; Bayler, G., and Schmit, T.J. Mathematical aspects in meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES sounder. Part II: Analysis of spatial and temporal continuity of spectral measurements from the GOES-8 sounder. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.42, no.6, June 2003, pp.671-685.

Sun, D. and Pinker, R.T. Estimation of land surface temperature from a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-8). Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.108, no. D11, 3 June 2003, Art. No.4326.

Livingston, J.M.; Russell, P.B.; Reid, J.S.; Redemann, J.; Schmid, B.; Allen, D.A.; Torres, O.; Levy, R.C.; Remer, L.A.; Holben, B.N.; Smirnov, A.; Dubovik, O.; Levy, R.C.; Remer, L.A.; Holben, B.N.; Smirnov, A.; Dubovik, O.; Welton, E.J.; Campbell, J.R.; Wang, J., and Christopher, S.A. Airborne sun photometer measurements of aerosol optical depth and columnar water vapor during the Puerto Rico Dust Experiment and comparison with land, aircraft, and satellite measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.108, no.D19, 2 July 2003, Art. No.8588.

Christopher, S.A.; Wang, J.; Ji, Q, and Tsay, S-C. Estimation of diurnal shortwave dust aerosol radiative forcing during PRIDE. Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.108, no.D19, 19 July 2003, Art. No.8596.

Sabbas, F.T.S., and Sentman, D.D. Dynamical relationship of infrared cloudtop temperatures with occurrence rates of cloud-to-ground lightning and sprites. Geophysical Research Letters v.30, no.5, 8 July 2003, Art. No.1693.

Donovan, E.F.; Jackel, B.J.; Voronkov, I.; Sotirelis, T.; Creutzberg, F., and Nicholson, N.A. Ground-based optical determination of the b2i boundary: A basis for an optical MT-index. Journal of Geophysical Research, A, Space Physics v.108, no.A3, 14 March 2003, Art. No.1115.

Voronkov, I.O.; Donovan, E.F., and Samson, J.C. Observations of the phases of the substorm. Journal of Geophysical Research, A, Space Physics v.108, no.A2, 12 February 2003, Art. No.1073.

Plokhenko, Youri and Menzel, Paul W. Mathematical aspects of the meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES sounder. Part III: Emissivity estimation in solving the inverse problem of atmospheric remote sensing. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.42, no.11, 2003, pp.1533-1546.

Ahn, C.; Ziemke, J.R.; Chandra, S., and Bhartia, P.K. Derivation of tropospheric column ozone from the Earth Probe TOMS/GOES co- located data sets using the cloud slicing technique. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics v.65, no.10, July 2003, pp.1127-1137.

Hillger, Donald W., Ellrod, Gary P. 2003: Detection of Important Atmospheric and Surface Features by Employing Principal Component Image Transformation of GOES Imagery. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 611–629.

Garand, Louis. 2003: Toward an Integrated Land–Ocean Surface Skin Temperature Analysis from the Variational Assimilation of Infrared Radiances. J Applied Meteorology: Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 570–583.

Scofield, R. A., and R. J. Kuligowski, 2003: Status and outlook of operational satellite precipitation algorithms for extreme precipitation events. Wea. Forecasting, 18, 1037-1051.

Szyndel, M., J.-N. Thepaut, and G. Kelly, 2003: Developments in the assimilation of geostationary radiances at ECMWF. EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme, 1 st Year Report, 25 pp


Dunion, Jason P., Velden, Christopher S. 2002: Application of Surface-Adjusted GOES Low-Level Cloud-Drift Winds in the Environment of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. Part I: Methodology and Validation.Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 130, No. 5, pp. 1333–1346.

Kossin, James P. 2002: Daily Hurricane Variability Inferred from GOES Infrared Imagery. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 130, No. 9, pp. 2260–2270.

Duda, David P., Minnis, Patrick. 2002: Observations of Aircraft Dissipation Trails from GOES. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 398–406.

Schmit T. J., W. F. Feltz, W. P. Menzel, J. Jung, A. P. Noel, J. N. Heil, J. P. Nelson III, G. S. Wade, 2002: Validation and use of GOES sounder moisture information, Wea. Forecasting, 17, 139-154.

Schreiner, A. J., T. J. Schmit, and R. M. Aune, 2002: Maritime inversions and the GOES sounder cloud product. Nat. Wea. Assoc. Digest, 26, 1,2 27-38.

Rao, P. Anil, Velden, Christopher S., Braun, Scott A. 2002: The Vertical Error Characteristics of GOES-Derived Winds: Description and Experiments with Numerical Weather Prediction.Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 253–271.

Brisson, A.; Le Borgne, P., and Marsouin, A. Results of one year of preoperational production of sea surface temperatures from GOES-8. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.19, no.10, October 2002, pp.1638-1652.

Machado, L.A.T.; Laurent, H., and Lima, A.A. Diurnal march of the convection observed during TRMM-WETAMC/LBA.   Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.107, no.D20, 27 October 2002, Art. No.8064.

Minnis, P.; Nguyen, L.; Doelling, D.R.; Young, D.F.; Miller, W.F., and Kratz, D.P. Rapid calibration of operational and research meteorological satellite imagers. Part I: Evaluation of research satellite visible channels as references.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.19, no.9, September 2002, pp.1233-1249.

Minnis, P.; Nguyen, L.; Doelling, D.R.; Young, D.F.; Miller, W.F., and Kratz, D.P. Rapid calibration of operational and research meteorological satellite imagers. Part II: Comparison of infrared channels.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.19, no.9, September 2002, pp.1250-1266.

Knapp, K.R. Quantification of aerosol signal in GOES 8 visible imagery over the United States.  Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.107, no.D20, 27 October 2002, Art. No.4426.

Pope, S.K.; Valero, F.P.J.; Collins, W.D., and Minnis, P. Comparison of ScaRaB, GOES 8, aircraft, and surface observations of the absorption of solar radiation by clouds.  Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.107, no.D11, 16 June 2002, Art. No.4114.

Knapp, K.R.; Haar, T.H.V., and Kaufman, Y.J. Aerosol optical depth retrieval from GOES-8: Uncertainty study and retrieval validation over South America. Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.107, no.D7-D8, 27 April 2002, Art. No.4055.

Christopher, S.A. and Zhang, J. Daytime variation of shortwave direct radiative forcing of biomass burning aerosols from GOES-8 imager. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences v.59, no. 3, pt. 2, 1 February 2002, pp.681-691.

Christopher, S.A.; Zhang, J.; Holben, B.N., and Yang, S.-K. GOES-8 and NOAA-14 AVHRR retrieval of smoke aerosol optical thickness during SCAR-B. International Journal of Remote Sensing v.23, no.22, 20 November 2002, pp.4931-4944.

Hillger, D. W., and J. Clark, 2002: Principal Component Image Analysis of MODIS for Volcanic Ash, Part-2: Simulation of Current GOES and GOES-M Imagers, J. Appl. Meteor., Vol. 41, No. 10, 1003–1010.


Tremblay, A.; Glazer, A., and Garand, L. Comparison of three cloud schemes in winter storm forecasts. Monthly Weather Review v.129, no.12, December 2001, pp.2923-2938.

Connell, B.H.; Gould, K.J., and Purdom, J.F.W.   High-resolution GOES-8 visible and infrared cloud frequency composites over northern Florida during the summers 1996-99.  Weather and Forecasting v.16, no.6, December 2001, pp.713-724.

Garreaud, R.D.; Rutllant, J.; Quintana, J.; Carrasco, J., and Minnis, P. CIMAR-5: A snapshot of the lower troposphere over the subtropical southeast Pacific. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.82, no.10, October 2001, pp.2193-2208.

Plokhenko, Youri and Menzel, W. Paul. Mathematical aspects in meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES sounder. Part I: Constructing the measurement estimate using spatial smoothing. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.40, no.3, 2001, pp556-567.

Li, Jun, Christopher C. Schmidt, James P. Nelson III, Timothy J. Schmit, and W. Paul Menzel, 2001: Estimation of total atmospheric ozone from GOES sounder radiances with high temporal resolution. J Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 18, 157-168.

Li, Jun, Menzel, W. Paul, Schreiner, Anthony J. 2001: Variational Retrieval of Cloud Parameters from GOES Sounder Longwave Cloudy Radiance Measurements.Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 312–330.

Huang, Chao-Song; Sofko, G.J.; Koustov, A.V.; MacDougall, J.W.; Greenwald, R.A.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Villain, J.P.; Lester, M.; Watermann, J.; Papitashvili, V.O., and Hughes, W.J. Long-period magnetospheric-ionospheric perturbations during northward interplanetary magnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research, A, Space Physics v.106, no.A7, 1 July 2001, pp.13,091-13,103.

Pulkkinen, T.I. How to address the accuracy of empirical magnetic field models?  Advances in Space Research v.28, no.12, 2001, pp.1717-1726.

Zhang, Jianglong; Christopher, S.A., Holben, B.N. Intercomparison of smoke aerosol optical thickness derived from GOES 8 imager and ground-based sun photometers. Journal of Geophysical Research, D, Atmospheres v.106, no.D7, 16 April 2001, pp.7387-7397.

Joyce, R.; Janowiak, J., and Huffman, G. Latitudinally and seasonally dependent zenith-angle corrections for geostationary satellite IR brightness temperatures.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.40, no. 4, 2001, pp.689-703.

Schreiner, Anthony J., Timothy J. Schmit, and W. Paul Menzel, 2001: Observations and trends of clouds based on GOES sounder data. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 20,349-20,363.

Zou, Xiaolei, Xiao, Qingnong, Lipton, Alan E., Modica, George D. 2001: A Numerical Study of the Effect of GOES Sounder Cloud-Cleared Brightness Temperatures on the Prediction of Hurricane Felix. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 34–55.

Tanner, R.L.; Parkhurst, W.J.; Valente, M.L.; Humes, K.L.; Jones, K., and Gilbert, J. Impact of the 1998 Central American fires on PM sub(2.5) mass and composition in the southeastern United States. Atmospheric Environment v.35, no.36, December 2001, pp.6539-6547.

Ba, M., and A. Gruber, 2001: GOES Multispectral Rainfall Algorithm (GMSRA). J. Appl. Meteor., Vol. 40, No. 8, 1500–1514.


Bayler, Gail M., Aune, R. M., Raymond, W. H.. 2000: NWP Cloud Initialization Using GOES Sounder Data and Improved Modeling of Nonprecipitating Clouds. Monthly Weather Review: Vol. 128, No. 11, pp. 3911–3920.

Bellerby, Tim, Todd, Martin, Kniveton, Dom, Kidd, Chris. 2000: Rainfall Estimation from a Combination of TRMM Precipitation Radar and GOES Multispectral Satellite Imagery through the Use of an Artificial Neural Network. Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 39, No. 12, pp. 2115–2128.

Ellrod, Gary P., Nelson, James P., Witiw, Michael R., Bottos, Lynda, Roeder, William P. 2000: Experimental GOES Sounder Products for the Assessment of Downburst Potential. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 527–542.

Knapp, Kenneth R., and Vonder Haar, Thomas H. Calibration of the eighth Geostationary Observational

Environmental Satellite (GOES-8) imager visible sensor.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.17, no.12, 2000. pp.1639-1644.

Greenwald, Thomas J. and Christopher, Sundar A. The GOES I-M imagers: New tools for studying microphysical properties of boundary layer stratiform clouds. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.81, no.11, 2000, pp2607-2619.

Breaker, Laurence, C.; Krasnopolsky, Vladimir M., and Maturi, Eilleen M. GOES-8 imagery as a new source of data to conduct ocean feature tracking. Remote Sensing of Environment v.73, no.2, 2000, pp.198-206.

Mahani, Shayesteh E.; Gao, Xiaogang; Sorooshian, Soroosh, and Imam, Bisher. Estimating cloud top height and spatial displacement from scan-synchronous GOES images using simplified IR-based stereoscopic analysis.  Journal of Geophysical Research v.105, no.D12, 27 June 2000, pp.15,597-15,608.

Orsolini, Y.J. and Karcher F. Total-ozone imaging over North America with GOES-8 infrared measurements.   Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society v.126, no 565, pt. B, 2000, pp.1557-1561.

Zapotocny, T. H., S. J. Nieman, W. P. Menzel, J. P. Nelson III, J. A. Jung, E. Rogers, D. F. Parrish, G. J. DiMego, M. Baldwin, and T. J. Schmit, 2000: A case study of sensitivity of the Eta Data Assimilation System. Wea. Forecasting, 15, 603-621.

Bosart, L. F., C. S. Velden, W. E. Bracken, J. Molinari, and P. G. Black, 2000: Environmental influences on the rapid intensification of Hurricane Opal (1995) over the Gulf of Mexico. Mon. Wea. Rev.,128, 322–352.


Weinreb, M.P.; Johnson, R.X.; Baucom, J.G., and Bremer, J.C. GOES 8-10 calibration experience.  Advances in Space Research v.23, no.8, 1999, pp.1367-1375.

Wu, Xiangqian; Menzel, W. Paul, and Wade, Gary S. Estimation of sea surface temperatures using GOES-8/9 radiance measurements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.80, no.6, 1999, pp1127-1138.

Ma, Xia L.; Schmit, Timothy J., and Smith, William L. A nonlinear physical retrieval algorithm - Its application to the GOES-8/9 sounder. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.38, no.5, 1999, pp501-513.

Alfaro, R.; Fernandez, W., and Connell, B. Detection of the forest fires of April 1997 in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, using GOES-8 images. International Journal of Remote Sensing v.20, no.6, April 1999, pp1189-1195.

Moody J. L., A. J. Wimmers, and J. C. Davenport, 1999: Remotely sensed specific humidity: development of a derived product from the GOES Imager channel 3, Geo. Phys. Let., 26, 59-62.


Prins, E.M.; Feltz, J.M.; Menzel, W.P., and Ward, D.E. An overview of GOES-8 diurnal fire and smoke results for SCAR-B and 1995 fire season in South America.  Journal of Geophysical Research v.103, no.D24, 27 December 1998, pp.31,821-31,835.

Vicente, Gilberto A.; Scofield, Roderick A., and Menzel, W. Paul. The operational GOES infrared rainfall estimation technique.   Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.79, no.9, 1998, pp.1883-1898.

Suggs, Ronnie J.; Jedlovec, Gary J., and Guillory, Anthony R. Retrieval of geophysical parameters from GOES: evaluation of a split-window technique. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.37, no.10, pt. 2, 1998, pp.1205-1227.

Ellrod, Gary P.; Achutuni, Rao V.; Daniels, Jaime M.; Prins, Elaine M., and Nelson, James P. III. An assessment of GOES-8 imager data quality. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.79, no.11, 1998, pp2509-2526.

Rao, P.A. and Fuelberg, Henry E. An evaluation of GOES-8 retrievals.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.37, no.12, 1998, pp.1577-1587.

Lipton, Alan E. 1998: Improved GOES Sounder Coverage of Cloud-Broken Data Fields.Journal of Applied Meteorology: Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 441–446.

Menzel, W. Paul; Holt, Frances C.; Schmit, Timothy J.; Aune, Robert M.; Schreiner, Anthony J.; Wade, Gary S., and Gray, Donald G. Application of GOES-8/9 soundings to weather forecasting and nowcasting. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.79, no.10, 1998, pp2059-2077.

Wylie, Donald P.; Santek, David, and Starr, David O'C. Cloud-top heights from GOES-8 and GOES-9 stereoscopic imagery. Journal of Applied Meteorology v.37, no.4, 1998, pp405-413.

Turk, J.; Vivekanandan, J.; Lee, T.; Durkee, P. and Nielsen, K. Derivation and applications of near-infrared cloud reflectances from GOES-8 and GOES-9.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.37, no.8, 1998, pp.819-831.

May, Douglas A. and Osterman, Walter O.   Satellite-derived sea surface temperatures: Evaluation of GOES-8 and GOES-9 multispectral imager retrieval accuracy.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.15, no.3, 1998, pp.788-797.

Vicente, Gilberto A.; Scofield, Roderick A., and Menzel, W. Paul. The operational GOES infrared rainfall estimation technique. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.79, no.9, 1998, pp1883-1898.

Hasler, A. F., Palaniappan, K., Kambhammetu, C., Black, P., Uhlhorn, E., Chesters, D. 1998: High-Resolution Wind Fields within the Inner Core and Eye of a Mature Tropical Cyclone from GOES 1-min Images.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 79, No. 11, pp. 2483–2496.

Minnis, Patrick and Smith, William L., Jr. Cloud and radiative fields derived from GOES-8 during SUCCESS and the ARM-UAV spring 1996 flight series.  Geophysical Research Letters v.25, no.8,1998, pp.1113-1116.

Goerss, James S.; Velden, Christopher S., and Hawkins, Jeffrey D. The impact of multispectral GOES-8 wind information on Atlantic tropical cyclone track forecasts in 1995, part II: NOGAPS forecasts. Monthly Weather Review v.126, no.5, 1998, pp1219-1227.

Velden, Christopher S.; Olander, Timothy L., and Wanzong, Steve. The impact of multispectral GOES-8 wind information on Atlantic tropical cyclone track forecasts in 1995, part I: Dataset methodology, description, and case analysis. Monthly Weather Review v.126, no.5, 1998, pp1202-1218.

Wylie, Donald P. Cloud-top heights from GOES-8 and GOES-9 stereoscopic imagery.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.37, no.4, 1998, pp.405-413.

Klimowski, Brian A.; Hjelmfelt, Mark R.; Bunkers, Matthew J.; Sedlacek, Don, and Johnson, L. Ronald. Hailstorm damage observed from the GOES-8 satellite: the 5-6 July 1996 Butte-Meade storm.  Picture of the Month. Monthly Weather Review v.126, no.3, 1998, pp.831-834.

Davies, M. A., and W. I. Rose, 1998: Evaluating GOES imagery for volcanic cloud observations at the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. EOS Trans A G U, 79:505-507.

Diak, G. R., M. C. Anderson, W. L. Bland, J. M. Norman, J. M. Mecikalski, and R. A. Aune, 1998: Agricultural management decision aids driven by real time satellite data. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 1345-1355.

Velden, C. S., T. L. Olander, and R. M. Zehr, 1998: Development of an objective scheme to estimate tropical cyclone intensity from digital geostationary satellite infrared imagery. Wea. Forecasting, 13 (1), 172–186.


Weinreb, M. P., M. Jamison, N. Fulton, Y. Chen, J. X. Johnson, J. Bremer, C. Smith, and J. Baucom, 1997: Operational calibration of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 and -9 imagers and sounders.Appl. Opt., 36, 6895-6904.

Dostalek, John F., Weaver, John F., Purdom, James F. W., Winston, Karen Y. 1997: PICTURE OF THE QUARTER: Nighttime Detection of Low-Level Thunderstorm Outflow Using a GOES Multispectral Image Product. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 947–950.

Legeckis, Richard and Zhu, Tong. Sea surface temperatures from the GOES-8 geostationary satellite.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.78, no.9, 1997, pp.1971-1983.

Lee, Thomas F.; Turk, F. Joseph, and Richardson, Kim. Stratus and fog products using GOES-8-9 3.9- um data. Weather and Forecasting v.12, no.3, pt.2, 1997, pp.664-677.

Garand, Louis and Halle, Jacques. Assimilation of clear- and cloudy-sky upper-tropospheric humidity estimates using GOES-8 and GOES-9 data.  Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology v.14, no.5, 1997, pp.1036-1054.

Rao, P. Anil and Fuelberg, Henry E. Diagnosing convective instability from GOES-8 radiances.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.36, no.4, 1997, pp.350-364.

Velden, C. S., C. M. Hayden, S. J. Nieman, W. P. Menzel, S. Wanzong, and J. S. Goerss, 1997: Upper-tropospheric winds derived from geostationary satellite water vapor observations. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78 (2), 173-173.


Diak, George R.; Bland, William L., and Mecikalski, John. A note on first estimates of surface insolation from GOES-8 visible satellite data.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology v.82, no.1-4, 1996, pp.219-226.

Garner, Tim; Bellue, Dan G., and Brody, Frank C. Space shuttle Discovery launch plume as seen from GOES-8 IR. National Weather Digest v.20, no.3, 1996, pp.34-36.

Hayden, Christopher M.; Wade, Gary S., and Schmit, Timothy J. Derived product imagery from GOES-8.  Journal of Applied Meteorology v.35, no.2, 1996, pp.153-162.

Prins, Elaine Mae. News from fire research: The GOES-8 Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (ABBA) introducing new capabilities for monitoring diurnal fire activity in the Western Hemisphere. International Forest Fire News v.15, 1996, pp49-52.


Weaver, John F.; Purdom, James F.W., and Schneider, Timothy L. Observing forest fires with the GOES-8, 3.9- um imaging channel.  Weather and Forecasting v.10, no.4, 1995, pp.803-808.



World Meteorological Organization. Space-age weather technology.  World Meteorological Organization Bulletin v.43, no.3, 1994. pp.221-224.

Nestlebush, M. J., 1994: The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Data Collection System. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS 40, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., 65 pp.

Guillemette, R.G. First weather images beamed down from GOES-8. Countdown v.12, no.7, July-August 1994, pp.28-31.

Bremer, J.C. and Comeyne, G.J., III. Optimization of the GOES-I imager’s radiometric accuracy: Drift and 1/f noise suppression. Optical Engineering v.33, no.10, October 1994, pp3324-3333.

Weinreb, M.P. Calibration of GOES-I imager and sounder. Eos v.75, no.16, 1994, supplement, 83p.

Menzel, W. Paul, Purdom, James F.W. Introducing GOES-I: The First of a New Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society v.75, No.5, 1994, pp.757–782.


Hayden, Christopher M., Schmit, Timothy J. The Anticipated Sounding Capabilities of GOES-I and Beyond. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Vol. 2, No.12, 1991, pp.1835–1847.

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