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Category: Meteosat

Cyclone Shaheen makes landfall in Oman

US Space Force EWS-G1 (formerly GOES-13) Infrared Window (10.7 µm) images (above) showedHurricane Shaheen weakening to a Tropical Storm shortly after it made a rare landfall along the coast of Oman on 03 October 2021. The storm exhibited an eye at times as it was a Category 1 Hurricane over... Read More

Local Noon imagery near the Equinox

SSEC/CIMSS scientists (notably Rick Kohrs) create daily imagery that blends vertical strips of true-color imagery at local Noon, starting near the dateline and proceeding westward. A year-long animation of this product is available here, and was discussed on this blog previously here (and here). Recent images are available at this website... Read More