CSPP Geo GRB Version 0.4 Prototype Release
28 Dec 2016
The fourth prototype release includes the following new major capabilities:
- Updates to support processing the latest ground system test data, included as the 0.4 test package (DOE-4).
- Significant performance improvements to ingestor.
- Configurable logging support added to ingestor.
- Updated leap second support for Dec 2016.
- Added a global event log for tracking major events in the GRB stream.
- Added a prototype "tracking" interface for processing ABI images as blocks arrive.
- Quicklooks are now generated as projected images with coastlines and geographic boundaries.
Output is written to mission-standard NetCDF-4 files. Optionally, quicklooks can be generated from the ABI radiance product.
The supplied test data package includes scripts that simulate the GRB data stream by sending artificial data over two sockets, at the mission data rate.
Note that this software has been tested on simulated GRB data, but not on the real GRB data stream since it was not active at the time the software was released. Version 1.0 will be released after the software has been tested on real GRB data and any issues have been addressed.