- Research activities include the development of algorithms to estimate cloud properties, vertical profiles
of temperature and moisture, atmospheric motion, and fire characteristics; the planning and specification of
future advanced satellite systems and instrumentation; and the application of procedures to validate the
calibration of measured radiances from current satellite sensors.
- The ASPB performs research on the quantitative use of satellite products in numerical weather prediction
systems and assists in the implementation of these new techniques and products into the
NESDIS operational product suite, including real-time product
- The Branch cooperates with the user community to maximize the benefit of satellite observations in the
global observing system. This is achieved through participation in national and international forums and
collaboration with scientists at major modeling and satellite development centers.
- The Branch provides training to the user community through courses and seminars, computer-based learning
modules, and journal articles.
- The ASPB is part of the Cooperative Research
Program (CoRP) within the Center for SaTellite
Applications and Research (STAR) in NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
(NESDIS). The Branch is co-located with the
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) and collaborates extensively
with UW scientists.
As of August 27, 2023; ASPB (and CORP) dissolved and merged with other STAR divisions/branches.