netcdf VOLCAT_GOES-16_Full_Disk_s2021279_031030_g001_v352010_ASHPLUMEPUFF_w152_FULL_DISK_b2021279_031030_g001 { dimensions: y = 196 ; x = 202 ; number_of_time_bounds = 2 ; number_of_feature_bounds = 2 ; number_of_polygon_vertices = 4 ; number_of_distance_bins = 15 ; number_of_direction_bins = 16 ; number_of_field_bins = 3 ; variables: int x_image_processing_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; x_image_processing_bounds:long_name = "Extent of x image coordinates in processed region of full image/granule (1-based)" ; int y_image_processing_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; y_image_processing_bounds:long_name = "Extent of y image coordinates in processed region of full image/granule (1-based)" ; int x_image_feature_region_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; x_image_feature_region_bounds:long_name = "Extent of x image coordinates in feature extraction region of full image/granule (1-based)" ; int y_image_feature_region_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; y_image_feature_region_bounds:long_name = "Extent of y image coordinates in feature extraction region of full image/granule (1-based)" ; int x_image_feature_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; x_image_feature_bounds:long_name = "Extent of volcanic feature in x image coordinates relative to full image/granule (1-based)" ; int y_image_feature_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; y_image_feature_bounds:long_name = "Extent of volcanic feature in y image coordinates relative to full image/granule (1-based)" ; int x_feature_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; x_feature_bounds:long_name = "Extent of volcanic feature in x image coordinates relative to processed region of image/granule (1-based)" ; int y_feature_bounds(number_of_feature_bounds) ; y_feature_bounds:long_name = "Extent of volcanic feature in y image coordinates relative to processed region of image/granule (1-based)" ; float geospatial_lat_lon_extent ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:long_name = "geospatial latitude and longitude references" ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_westbound_longitude = -79.55631f ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_northbound_latitude = 1.623325f ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_eastbound_longitude = -75.92719f ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_southbound_latitude = -1.913691f ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ; geospatial_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ; float feature_lat_lon_extent ; feature_lat_lon_extent:long_name = "feature latitude and longitude references" ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_westbound_longitude = -77.74705f ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_northbound_latitude = -0.09970303f ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_eastbound_longitude = -77.72901f ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_southbound_latitude = -0.0997033f ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ; feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ; float pc_feature_lat_lon_extent ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:long_name = "parallax corrected feature latitude and longitude references" ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_westbound_longitude = -77.74528f ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_northbound_latitude = -0.09963394f ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_eastbound_longitude = -77.72726f ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_southbound_latitude = -0.09963421f ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ; pc_feature_lat_lon_extent:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ; short volcano_info ; volcano_info:long_name = "Information on source volcano from Global Volcanism Program database" ; volcano_info:id = 352010 ; volcano_info:name = "Reventador" ; volcano_info:country = "Ecuador" ; volcano_info:region = "South America" ; volcano_info:subregion = "Ecuador" ; volcano_info:status = "Eruption Observed" ; volcano_info:latitude = -0.077f ; volcano_info:longitude = -77.656f ; volcano_info:elevation = 3562.f ; volcano_info:type = "Stratovolcano" ; volcano_info:timeframe = "2014 CE" ; volcano_info:latitude_units = "degrees_north" ; volcano_info:longitude_units = "degrees_east" ; volcano_info:elevation_units = "m" ; volcano_info:vaac_region = "Washington" ; short volcano_thermal_activity ; volcano_thermal_activity:long_name = "Information on recent satellite detected thermal activity, given by the radiative power in MW, at source volcano" ; volcano_thermal_activity:units = "days" ; volcano_thermal_activity:time_since_0MW = 0.f ; volcano_thermal_activity:time_since_10MW = 0.f ; volcano_thermal_activity:time_since_100MW = -2.147484e+09f ; volcano_thermal_activity:time_since_1000MW = -2.147484e+09f ; float minimum_volcano_distance ; minimum_volcano_distance:long_name = "The smallest distance between the detected feature and the source volcano" ; minimum_volcano_distance:units = "km" ; float maximum_volcano_distance ; maximum_volcano_distance:long_name = "The largest distance between the detected feature and the source volcano" ; maximum_volcano_distance:units = "km" ; int wmo_satellite_id ; wmo_satellite_id:long_name = "WMO assigned spacecraft identifier" ; int scan_domain_id ; scan_domain_id:long_name = "The GEOCAT assigned ID associated with the sensor scan mode" ; int time_bounds(number_of_time_bounds) ; time_bounds:long_name = "Scan start and end times in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; time_bounds:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; int feature_id ; feature_id:long_name = "The feature ID within the current image" ; int mean_feature_time ; mean_feature_time:long_name = "Mean volcanic feature time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; mean_feature_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; float feature_age ; feature_age:long_name = "The time that has elapsed between the current detection of the feature and the initial detection" ; feature_age:units = "minutes" ; int full_image_start_time ; full_image_start_time:long_name = "Start time of full image/granule in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; full_image_start_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; int full_image_end_time ; full_image_end_time:long_name = "End time of full image/granule in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; full_image_end_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; int first_detection_full_image_start_time ; first_detection_full_image_start_time:long_name = "Start time of full image/granule when the volcanic feature was first detected in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; first_detection_full_image_start_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; int first_detection_mean_feature_time ; first_detection_mean_feature_time:long_name = "Mean time when the volcanic feature was first detected in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; first_detection_mean_feature_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; int first_detection_wmo_satellite_id ; first_detection_wmo_satellite_id:long_name = "WMO assigned spacecraft identifier when the volcanic feature was first detected" ; int first_detection_scan_domain_id ; first_detection_scan_domain_id:long_name = "The GEOCAT assigned ID associated with the sensor scan mode when the volcanic feature was first detected" ; int first_detection_feature_id ; first_detection_feature_id:long_name = "The feature ID when the volcanic feature was first detected" ; float feature_latitude ; feature_latitude:long_name = "The latitude of the radiative center of the volcanic feature" ; feature_latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; float feature_longitude ; feature_longitude:long_name = "The longitude of the radiative center of the volcanic feature" ; feature_longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; float pc_feature_latitude ; pc_feature_latitude:long_name = "The parallax corrected (pc) latitude of the radiative center of the volcanic feature" ; pc_feature_latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; float pc_feature_longitude ; pc_feature_longitude:long_name = "The parallax corrected (pc) longitude of the radiative center of the volcanic feature" ; pc_feature_longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; float mean_feature_solar_zenith_angle ; mean_feature_solar_zenith_angle:long_name = "The mean solar zenith angle within the volcanic feature" ; mean_feature_solar_zenith_angle:units = "degree" ; float mean_feature_viewing_zenith_angle ; mean_feature_viewing_zenith_angle:long_name = "The mean viewing zenith angle within the volcanic feature" ; mean_feature_viewing_zenith_angle:units = "degree" ; float feature_water_fraction ; feature_water_fraction:long_name = "The fraction of the volcanic feature that is over water" ; float mean_feature_tropopause_altitude ; mean_feature_tropopause_altitude:long_name = "The mean height of the tropopause" ; mean_feature_tropopause_altitude:units = "km" ; float mean_feature_tropopause_temperature ; mean_feature_tropopause_temperature:long_name = "The mean temperature of the tropopause" ; mean_feature_tropopause_temperature:units = "K" ; float feature_polygon_latitude(number_of_polygon_vertices) ; feature_polygon_latitude:long_name = "The latitude of the autogenerated feature polygon" ; feature_polygon_latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; float feature_polygon_longitude(number_of_polygon_vertices) ; feature_polygon_longitude:long_name = "The longitude of the autogenerated feature polygon" ; feature_polygon_longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; float pc_feature_polygon_latitude(number_of_polygon_vertices) ; pc_feature_polygon_latitude:long_name = "The parallax corrected latitude of the autogenerated feature polygon" ; pc_feature_polygon_latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; float pc_feature_polygon_longitude(number_of_polygon_vertices) ; pc_feature_polygon_longitude:long_name = "The parallax corrected longitude of the autogenerated feature polygon" ; pc_feature_polygon_longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; float feature_area ; feature_area:long_name = "The total area of the detected volcanic feature" ; feature_area:units = "km2" ; float latitude(y, x) ; latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ; latitude:long_name = "Latitude of the pixel center" ; latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; latitude:_FillValue = -999.f ; float longitude(y, x) ; longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ; longitude:long_name = "Longitude of the pixel center" ; longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; longitude:_FillValue = -999.f ; float pc_latitude(y, x) ; pc_latitude:standard_name = "latitude_pc" ; pc_latitude:long_name = "Parallax corrected latitude of the pixel center (only valid where feature is valid)" ; pc_latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; pc_latitude:_FillValue = -999.f ; float pc_longitude(y, x) ; pc_longitude:standard_name = "longitude_pc" ; pc_longitude:long_name = "Parallax corrected longitude of the pixel center (only valid where feature is valid)" ; pc_longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; pc_longitude:_FillValue = -999.f ; int time(y, x) ; time:long_name = "Observation time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00)" ; time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ; time:_FillValue = -999 ; short brightness_temperature_4micron(y, x) ; brightness_temperature_4micron:long_name = "The brightness temperature that corresponds to a channel centered near 4 um" ; brightness_temperature_4micron:units = "K" ; brightness_temperature_4micron:_FillValue = -1s ; brightness_temperature_4micron:scale_factor = 0.01f ; brightness_temperature_4micron:add_offset = 150.f ; short brightness_temperature_8micron(y, x) ; brightness_temperature_8micron:long_name = "The brightness temperature that corresponds to a channel centered near 8.5 um" ; brightness_temperature_8micron:units = "K" ; brightness_temperature_8micron:_FillValue = -1s ; brightness_temperature_8micron:scale_factor = 0.01f ; brightness_temperature_8micron:add_offset = 150.f ; short brightness_temperature_10micron(y, x) ; brightness_temperature_10micron:long_name = "The brightness temperature that corresponds to a channel centered near 10 um" ; brightness_temperature_10micron:units = "K" ; brightness_temperature_10micron:_FillValue = -1s ; brightness_temperature_10micron:scale_factor = 0.01f ; brightness_temperature_10micron:add_offset = 150.f ; short brightness_temperature_11micron(y, x) ; brightness_temperature_11micron:long_name = "The brightness temperature that corresponds to a channel centered near 11 um" ; brightness_temperature_11micron:units = "K" ; brightness_temperature_11micron:_FillValue = -1s ; brightness_temperature_11micron:scale_factor = 0.01f ; brightness_temperature_11micron:add_offset = 150.f ; short brightness_temperature_12micron(y, x) ; brightness_temperature_12micron:long_name = "The brightness temperature that corresponds to a channel centered near 12 um" ; brightness_temperature_12micron:units = "K" ; brightness_temperature_12micron:_FillValue = -1s ; brightness_temperature_12micron:scale_factor = 0.01f ; brightness_temperature_12micron:add_offset = 150.f ; float distance_traveled(y, x) ; distance_traveled:long_name = "The approximate cumulative trajectory distance at a given location in the volcanic cloud" ; distance_traveled:units = "km" ; distance_traveled:_FillValue = -999.f ; float residence_time(y, x) ; residence_time:long_name = "The approximate cumulative time associated with a given trajectory" ; residence_time:units = "h" ; residence_time:_FillValue = -999.f ; float radius_bins(number_of_distance_bins) ; radius_bins:long_name = "The radius binning scheme used to characterize the distance from the source volcano" ; radius_bins:units = "km or nm" ; float angular_bins(number_of_direction_bins) ; angular_bins:long_name = "The angular binning scheme used to characterize the position of the feature relative to the source volcano" ; angular_bins:units = "degrees" ; angular_bins:angle_meanings = "S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW, N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE" ; float field_bins(number_of_field_bins) ; field_bins:long_name = "The coarse radius binning scheme used to characterize the distance from the source volcano" ; field_bins:units = "km or nm" ; field_bins:field_meanings = "near field, intermediate field, far field" ; field_bins:field_meanings_km = "<20 km, 20 - 100 km, >100 km" ; field_bins:field_meanings_nm = "<20 nm, 20 - 100 nm, >80 nm" ; int polar_histogram_km(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_km:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels as a function of angle and radius (in km) from the source volcano" ; int polar_histogram_nm(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_nm:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk0p5(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk0p5:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 0.2 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 0.5 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk0p5:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk0p5(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk0p5:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 2.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 0.5 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk0p5:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk0p5(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk0p5:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 5.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 0.5 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk0p5:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk0p5(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk0p5:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 10.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 0.5 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk0p5:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk1p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk1p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 0.2 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 1.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk1p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk1p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk1p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 2.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 1.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk1p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk1p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk1p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 5.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 1.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk1p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk1p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk1p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 10.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 1.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk1p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk2p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk2p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 0.2 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 2.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt0p2_thk2p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk2p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk2p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 2.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 2.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt2p0_thk2p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk2p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk2p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 5.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 2.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt5p0_thk2p0:radius_units = "nm" ; int polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk2p0(number_of_distance_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk2p0:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels with an estimated ash concentration of 10.0 mg/m3 or greater (assuming a 2.0 km thickness) as a function of angle and radius (in nm) from the source volcano" ; polar_histogram_concentration_gt10p0_thk2p0:radius_units = "nm" ; byte angular_index(y, x) ; angular_index:long_name = "The index corresponding to the angular bin, relative to the source volcano, that the pixel was assigned to (1-based)" ; angular_index:_FillValue = -1b ; byte radius_index_km(y, x) ; radius_index_km:long_name = "The index corresponding to the km based radius bin, relative to the source volcano, that the pixel was assigned to (1-based)" ; radius_index_km:_FillValue = -1b ; byte radius_index_nm(y, x) ; radius_index_nm:long_name = "The index corresponding to the nm based radius bin, relative to the source volcano, that the pixel was assigned to (1-based)" ; radius_index_nm:_FillValue = -1b ; int polar_field_histogram_km(number_of_field_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_field_histogram_km:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels as a function of angle and broad radius field relative to the source volcano" ; polar_field_histogram_km:field_meanings = "<20 km, 20 - 100 km, >100 km" ; int polar_field_histogram_nm(number_of_field_bins, number_of_direction_bins) ; polar_field_histogram_nm:long_name = "A polar coordinate histogram that indicates the number of feature pixels as a function of angle and broad radius field relative to the source volcano" ; polar_field_histogram_nm:field_meanings = "<20 nm, 20 - 100 nm, >80 nm" ; short dominant_polar_grid_cell_km ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:long_name = "The polar coordinate angle/radius histogram with the greatest number of volcanic cloud pixels" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:units = "km" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:angle = -112.5f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:angle_meaning = "WSW" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:minimum_radius = 8.323085f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:median_radius = 8.323085f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:maximum_radius = 8.323085f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_km:pixel_count = 1 ; short dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:long_name = "The polar coordinate angle/radius histogram with the greatest number of volcanic cloud pixels" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:units = "nm" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:angle = -112.5f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:angle_meaning = "WSW" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:minimum_radius = 4.494106f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:median_radius = 4.494106f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:maximum_radius = 4.494106f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_nm:pixel_count = 1 ; short dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:long_name = "The near field angle with the greatest number of volcanic cloud pixels" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:angle = -112.5f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:angle_meaning = "WSW" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:radius_units = "nm" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:minimum_radius = 4.494106f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:median_radius = 5.536193f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:maximum_radius = 5.536193f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:speed_units = "kts" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:speed = 26.82469f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:uncertainty_speed = 0.f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:height_units = "km" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:minimum_height = 3.966679f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:median_height = 4.192042f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:maximum_height = 4.192042f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:loading_units = "gm-2" ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:minimum_loading = 1.437709f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:median_loading = 2.364713f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:maximum_loading = 2.364713f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:minimum_effective_radius = 3.806422f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:median_effective_radius = 5.175943f ; dominant_polar_grid_cell_near_field:maximum_effective_radius = 5.175943f ; short ash_concentration_statistics ; ash_concentration_statistics:long_name = "Statistics on ash concentration exceedance" ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 2 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 2 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 1.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 1.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 2 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 1 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 1.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0.5f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 2 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 1.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; short near_field_ash_concentration_statistics ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:long_name = "Statistics on ash concentration exceedance in the near field (<20 nm)" ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 2 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 2 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 1.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 1.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 2 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 1 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 1.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0.5f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 2 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 1.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; near_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; short intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:long_name = "Statistics on ash concentration exceedance in the intermediate field (20 - 100 nm)" ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; intermediate_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; short far_field_ash_concentration_statistics ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:long_name = "Statistics on ash concentration exceedance in the far field (>80 nm)" ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk0p5 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk0p5 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk1p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk1p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:count_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0 ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt0p2_thk2p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt2p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt5p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; far_field_ash_concentration_statistics:frac_gt10p0_thk2p0 = 0.f ; float feature_area_bt240K ; feature_area_bt240K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 240K" ; feature_area_bt240K:units = "km2" ; float feature_area_bt233K ; feature_area_bt233K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 233K" ; feature_area_bt233K:units = "km2" ; float feature_area_bt230K ; feature_area_bt230K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 230K" ; feature_area_bt230K:units = "km2" ; float feature_area_bt220K ; feature_area_bt220K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 220K" ; feature_area_bt220K:units = "km2" ; float feature_area_bt210K ; feature_area_bt210K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 210K" ; feature_area_bt210K:units = "km2" ; float feature_area_bt200K ; feature_area_bt200K:long_name = "The area within the detected volcanic feature that has an infrared window brightness temperature less than 200K" ; feature_area_bt200K:units = "km2" ; float ash_mass_loading_total_mass ; ash_mass_loading_total_mass:long_name = "The total mass of volcanic ash in the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_total_mass:units = "Tg" ; float ash_mass_loading_percentile25 ; ash_mass_loading_percentile25:long_name = "The 25th percentile value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_percentile25:units = "gm-2" ; float ash_mass_loading_percentile50 ; ash_mass_loading_percentile50:long_name = "The 50th percentile value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_percentile50:units = "gm-2" ; float ash_mass_loading_percentile75 ; ash_mass_loading_percentile75:long_name = "The 75th percentile value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_percentile75:units = "gm-2" ; float ash_mass_loading_percentile90 ; ash_mass_loading_percentile90:long_name = "The 90th percentile value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_percentile90:units = "gm-2" ; float ash_mass_loading_percentile95 ; ash_mass_loading_percentile95:long_name = "The 95th percentile value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_percentile95:units = "gm-2" ; float ash_mass_loading_maximum ; ash_mass_loading_maximum:long_name = "The maximum value of ash mass loading within the feature" ; ash_mass_loading_maximum:units = "gm-2" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_percentile25 ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile25:long_name = "The 25th percentile value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile25:units = "um" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_percentile50 ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile50:long_name = "The 50th percentile value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile50:units = "um" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_percentile75 ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile75:long_name = "The 75th percentile value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile75:units = "um" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_percentile90 ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile90:long_name = "The 90th percentile value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile90:units = "um" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_percentile95 ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile95:long_name = "The 95th percentile value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_percentile95:units = "um" ; float effective_radius_of_ash_maximum ; effective_radius_of_ash_maximum:long_name = "The maximum value of ash effective radius within the feature" ; effective_radius_of_ash_maximum:units = "um" ; float ash_cloud_height_percentile50 ; ash_cloud_height_percentile50:long_name = "The 50th percentile value of ash cloud top height within the feature" ; ash_cloud_height_percentile50:units = "km" ; float ash_cloud_height_percentile75 ; ash_cloud_height_percentile75:long_name = "The 75th percentile value of ash cloud top height within the feature" ; ash_cloud_height_percentile75:units = "km" ; float ash_cloud_height_percentile90 ; ash_cloud_height_percentile90:long_name = "The 90th percentile value of ash cloud top height within the feature" ; ash_cloud_height_percentile90:units = "km" ; float ash_cloud_height_percentile95 ; ash_cloud_height_percentile95:long_name = "The 95th percentile value of ash cloud top height within the feature" ; ash_cloud_height_percentile95:units = "km" ; float ash_cloud_height_maximum ; ash_cloud_height_maximum:long_name = "The maximum value of ash cloud top height within the feature" ; ash_cloud_height_maximum:units = "km" ; float infrared_window_brightness_temperature_minimum ; infrared_window_brightness_temperature_minimum:long_name = "The minimum value of infrared window brightness temperature within the feature" ; infrared_window_brightness_temperature_minimum:units = "K" ; float ash_cloud_height_opaque_assumption_maximum ; ash_cloud_height_opaque_assumption_maximum:long_name = "The maximum value of ash cloud top height within the feature (assuming the feature is opaque to longwave infrared radiation" ; ash_cloud_height_opaque_assumption_maximum:units = "km" ; int total_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; total_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The total number of Earth Networks lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; total_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground Earth Networks lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The total number of Earth Networks lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground Earth Networks lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; int total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The total number of Earth Networks lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground Earth Networks lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_eni:_FillValue = -999 ; float minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_eni ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_eni:long_name = "The minimum Earth Networks stroke to vent distance since the last satellite image" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_eni:units = "km" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_eni:_FillValue = -999.f ; int total_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; total_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The total number of WWLLN lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; total_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The number of WWLLN lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The total number of WWLLN lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground WWLLN lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; int total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The total number of WWLLN lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:long_name = "The number of WWLLN lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_wwlln:_FillValue = -999 ; float minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_wwlln ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_wwlln:long_name = "The minimum WWLLN stroke to vent distance since the last satellite image" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_wwlln:units = "km" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_wwlln:_FillValue = -999.f ; int total_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; total_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The total number of GLD360 lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; total_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground GLD360 lightning strokes within the feature since the last satellite image" ; cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The total number of GLD360 lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground GLD360 lightning strokes within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_cg_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; int total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The total number of GLD360 lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; int cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360 ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:long_name = "The number of cloud-to-ground GLD360 lightning strokes, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; cg_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_gld360:_FillValue = -999 ; float minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_gld360 ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_gld360:long_name = "The minimum GLD360 stroke to vent distance since the last satellite image" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_gld360:units = "km" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_gld360:_FillValue = -999.f ; int total_lightning_stroke_count_glm ; total_lightning_stroke_count_glm:long_name = "The total number of GLM lightning groups within the feature since the last satellite image" ; total_lightning_stroke_count_glm:_FillValue = -999 ; int near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_glm ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_glm:long_name = "The total number of GLM lightning groups within 20 km of the vent since the last satellite image" ; near_vent_lightning_stroke_count_glm:_FillValue = -999 ; int total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_glm ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_glm:long_name = "The total number of GLM lightning groups, within the environment that surrounds the feature, since the last satellite image" ; total_environmental_lightning_stroke_count_glm:_FillValue = -999 ; float minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_glm ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_glm:long_name = "The minimum GLM group to vent distance since the last satellite image" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_glm:units = "km" ; minimum_stroke_distance_to_vent_glm:_FillValue = -999.f ; float total_lightning_energy_glm ; total_lightning_energy_glm:long_name = "The total GLM optical energy within the feature since the last satellite image" ; total_lightning_energy_glm:units = "J" ; total_lightning_energy_glm:_FillValue = -999.f ; float ash_spectral_signature_strength(y, x) ; ash_spectral_signature_strength:long_name = "Indicator of spectral ambiguity between detected ash and non-ash features [0.0-1.0]" ; ash_spectral_signature_strength:_FillValue = -999.f ; float ash_spectral_signature_strength_lwir_only(y, x) ; ash_spectral_signature_strength_lwir_only:long_name = "Indicator of spectral ambiguity between detected ash and non-ash features [0.0-1.0] (derived using only longwave infrared channels)" ; ash_spectral_signature_strength_lwir_only:_FillValue = -999.f ; short ash_cloud_height(y, x) ; ash_cloud_height:long_name = "The cloud top height of the highest continuous ash layer" ; ash_cloud_height:units = "km" ; ash_cloud_height:_FillValue = -1s ; ash_cloud_height:scale_factor = 0.01f ; ash_cloud_height:add_offset = 0.f ; float ash_mass_loading(y, x) ; ash_mass_loading:long_name = "The total column loading of ash in the highest continuous ash layer" ; ash_mass_loading:units = "gm-2" ; ash_mass_loading:_FillValue = -999.f ; short effective_radius_of_ash(y, x) ; effective_radius_of_ash:long_name = "The effective of ash in the highest continuous ash layer" ; effective_radius_of_ash:units = "um" ; effective_radius_of_ash:_FillValue = -1s ; effective_radius_of_ash:scale_factor = 0.01f ; effective_radius_of_ash:add_offset = 0.f ; // global attributes: :naming_authority = "gov.nesdis.noaa" ; :Conventions = "CF-1.7" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table (v35, 20 July 2016)" ; :institution = "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS > U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services" ; :project = "VOLCAT" ; :production_site = "UW-SSEC" ; :production_environment = "Experimental" ; :spatial_resolution = "2km at nadir" ; :orbital_slot = "Geostationary" ; :platform_ID = "GOES-16" ; :instrument_type = "ABI" ; :scene_id = "Volcanic Event - Full Disk Subset" ; :instrument_ID = "GOES-16 ABI" ; :dataset_name = "" ; :title = "VOLCAT: ASHPLUMEPUFF event" ; :summary = "This files contains information on volcanic cloud properties associated with a given eruptive event (or closely spaced sequence of events), as automatically determined by the VOLcanic Cloud Analysis Toolkit (VOLCAT). Volcanic cloud properties include volcanic cloud mapping, height maps (relative to the highest cloud layer), total column loading maps, microphysical parameters, and uncertainty metrics." ; :keywords = "ATMOSPHERE > AEROSOLS > DUST/ASH/SMOKE" ; :license = "Unclassified data. Access is restricted to approved users only." ; :processing_level = "L2+" ; :date_created = "2021-10-08T14:42:38.5Z" ; :cdm_data_type = "Image" ; :time_coverage_start = "2021-10-06T03:14:39.0Z" ; :time_coverage_end = "2021-10-06T03:15:39.0Z" ; :timeline_id = "Full Disk" ; :production_data_source = "Realtime" ; :id = "NESDIS/VOLCAT_GOES-16_Full_Disk_s2021279_031030_g001_v352010_ASHPLUMEPUFF_w152_FULL_DISK_b2021279_031030_g001" ; :reference_level1b_file = "" ; :event_type = "ASHPLUMEPUFF" ; :volcano_name = "Reventador" ; :vaac_name = "Washington" ; :event_observation_time = "2021-10-06T03:15:09.0Z" ; :time_coverage_start_first_detection = "2021-10-06T03:10:30.0Z" ; :event_observation_time_first_detection = "2021-10-06T03:15:09.0Z" ; }