This beautiful picture of ominous clouds was taken by Destinee Knief.


This picture was created by Emily Wallrath.

This picture was created by Brian Sarran.

This picture was created by Tracy Elver.

This picture was created by Nathan Pier.

This picture was created by Abby Peterson.

This picture was created by Ken Kravenas.

This picture was created by Jeff White.

This picture was created by Megan Reese.

This picture was created by Erica Fein.


This picture was taken by Stephanie Vento on Lake Michigan near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This colorful picture was from Jenny Kohl.

This picture was taken by Danielle Ohmen.

This picture was taken by Dustin Maher in Minnesota. This is his yard after a small tornado came through knocking down many large trees.


This picture was taken by Rachel Sobel. It is a picture of pancake type cumulus clouds taken from a plane.

This picture was taken by Alicia Griffith in the Grand Tetons.


This picture was taken by David Demeuse. It is a picture of mammatus clouds.

This is a picture of dew. The dew is more distinct compared to the dew photo in the book.

This picture was taken by Jessica Miller. It is a picture of stratocumulus over the ocean.


This picture was taken in Minnesota by Ted Johnson. It is a picture of a sun pillar

This picture was taken in Maui by Becky Joffe. It is a picture of a rainbow and its reflection in water.

This picture was from Jenna Riedi. It is a picture of lightning.


These pictures were taken by Joshua Beyerl. They show the contrast in colors of an Australian sunrise with no clouds and with clouds.


This beautiful picture was taken in Arizona by Jenny Kohl.

This cool picture was taken by Lisa Beiersdorf.

This picture was taken in Wisconsin by Kristin Dahm. It was taken on an evening when there were severe storms.


This picture was taken in Iceland by Kathryn Gilliland. It is a picture of evaporation fog.

This picture was taken by Joshua Beraha. It is a picture of the sun rising over the Dead Sea in Israel.

This picture was taken by Hilary Wichman. It is a picture of the sun rising over Lake Michigan.


These pictures show different colors. We will be talking about Atmospheric Optics in a week or two. Study for the Exam! The first two pictures were taken by Josh Lowe. The third picture was taken by Melissa Meishenker


This picture was taken by Stefanie Hildebrand in Fiji. Atmospheric optics has created this beautiful picture. We will be talking about atmospheric optics in a couple of weeks.

This picture was taken by Bradley Ross along Lake Michigan. This picture shows that the human body is transparent to light!


This picture was taken in Key West, Florida, by John Adamic. It is a picture of lightning in a rain shaft. Lightning is an electrical discharge, and it is another mechanism of transferring heat in the atmosphere.

This picture was taken by Josh Lowe. It is a picture of a cumulonimbus cloud. An enormous amount of latent heat is released into the atmosphere by a cumulonimbus cloud. In fact, the amount of latent heat released could supply enough energy for a city, such as the size of Chicago, for an unspecified amount of time.

This neat, pretty picture was taken by Stephanie Hildebrand

This picture was taken by Bradley Ross. It is a picture of a double rainbow. What are some of the differences between this double rainbow and last week's winning picture (the double rainbow)?


This picture was taken in Colorado by Kate Johnson. It is a picture of a double rainbow.

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