AOS 340

Instructor: Steve Ackerman; 263-3647;

TA: Boyin Huang; 262-0798;


Course information is also available on the web at

Grading will be based on points accumulated from the following activities:

homework (approx. 45% of grade)

two exams (a midterm and a cumulative final) (approx. 45% of grade), and

pop quizzes (approx. 10% of grade).

About Homeworks

Homeworks will explore material covered in class. Please observe these guidelines in doing your homework:

  1. Feel free to work in groups, but the work you turn in must be your own.
  2. Science is based on communication. Mathematics is one means of expression, but it can almost never stand on its own. All solutions should contain a coherent statement of the problem being solved, and a clear narrative describing each mathematical step.
  3. Everything must be legible, including writing and figures.
  4. All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Nothing will be accepted after that time-no exceptions.


Homeworks should include 4 sections:

  1. INTRODUCTION. Summarize the problem in your own words. What physical process is being studied, and why?
  2. APPROACH. A description of the data used in the experiment, or of the equations used. You should discuss the instruments used to make the measurements and any equation used you should at least explain what each variable represents.
  3. RESULTS. Analysis of the data, including any error analysis, should be presented in tables or graphs. Figures should be properly labeled, including units.
  4. SUMMARY. State the solution of the problem stated in the introduction. Other things you learned, or explored, could also be mentioned in this section.


There will be two exams, a midterm and a final. A sheet with all formulas and constants will be provided to minimize memorization. Exam problems will focus on problem solving and data interpretation.

Pop Quizzes

Pop quizzes will cover terms that you must know to participate in classroom discussions. Correct answers will receive positive points, incorrect answers negative points. You are allowed to pass on one quiz (a class absence counts for a pass)