Date: March 25, 1999
Mission: ER-2 instrument calibration flight and moisture mapping, NOAA-15 underflight, HSRL comparisons.
Mission Objectives
Assess MAS calibration through comparisons with S-HIS and NAST-I over clear deep water Lake Superior. NOAA-15 underflight (6:41pm CST). Look for moisture gradients and moisture advection over L. Superior using data from three orbits of N-S oriented racetrack. Comparisons to uplooking AERI measurements at Truax Field and HSRL at SSEC.
Flight Summary
Take-off was at 2230 UTC. ER-2 landed at 0230 UTC (99085).
Low stratus cloud over SE WI rapidly dissipated at about flight launch time. ER-2 spiraled up from Truax and flew towards L. Superior racetrack, reaching altitude at about GRB. Racetrack (47n 86:42w to 48:20n 87:10w and parallel line 30km to east) is aligned along NOAA-15 overpass track (6:41pm CST; 0041 UTC). Did 3 orbits of racetrack in clear sky conditions and lowering sun angle. Sun went below horizon on last orbit. ER-2 was straight and level during the NOAA-15 overpass. ER-2 then proceeded southbound along L. Michigan western shoreline till MKE where it turned westward to MSN, overflying SSEC at 7:46pm CST (0146 UTC). Skies were clear over entire state.
Clear scenes over L. Superior for ER-2 instrument calibration comparisons. NOAA-15 underflight in clear skies over L. Superior. Nightime overpass MKE.
Instrument Status