
Current Schedule | Data Collection | Network Configuration | Personnel List

Truax Airport Phone Numbers | WINCE Timeline

1) Current Schedule

2) Data Collection Parameters:

3) Network Configuration Information

TRUAX Network Interface Specifics for WINCE

Connection to the Internet is via an RF link between the hanger/lab at TRUAX and the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) building on campus. A local company (Persoft) is supplying the bridge hardware for the link that operates at 2 Mbits/Sec and is an extension of the SSEC network. SSEC's connection to the Internet is via the UW campus network at rates up to 45 Mbits/Sec.

Please use the following information in preparation for connecting to the network at TRUAX.


The network wiring is 10BaseT with Rj45 connectors. SSEC will supply cables to your computer.


Host Name IP address Responsible Person
er-2pc Smyrl
er-2mac Cartledge
truckee Mahoney
eoc1 Smyrl
er2lidar Hart
mir Racette
pracette Racette

Questions should be directed to: ralphd@ssec.wisc.edu, (608) 263-6779

4) Personnel List

Name Affiliation Activity Email
Achtor, Tom UWisconsin Data support team tom.achtor@ssec.wisc.edu
Ackerman, Steve UWisconsin ER-2 Lead Scientist steve.ackerman@ssec.wisc.edu
Beasley, Matt UWisconsin Data support team matt.beasley@ssec.wisc.edu
Best, Fred UWisconsin HIS/AERI Support fred.best@ssec.wisc.edu
Brusoe, James UWisconsin HIS/AERI Support james.brusoe@ssec.wisc.edu
Cartledge, Alan NASA AMES ER-2 Contact acartledge@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Cavanaugh, John GSFC CLS Instrument
Dean, Mike UWisconsin HIS/AERI Support mike.dean@ssec.wisc.edu
Dedecker, Ralph UWisconsin HIS instrument ralph.dedecker@ssec.wisc.edu
DeSlover, Dan UWisconsin AERI instrument dan.deslover@ssec.wisc.edu
Dirkx, Tim UWisconsin HIS instrument tim.dirkx@ssec.wisc.edu
Eloranta, Ed UWisconsin HSRL instrument P.I. ed.eloranta@ssec.wisc.edu
Famiglietti, Joe GSFC CLS Instrument
Feltz, Wayne UWisconsin AERI instrument wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu
Friedman, Mike UWisconsin Data support team mike.friedman@ssec.wisc.edu
Garcia, Ray UWisconsin Data Support Team ray.garcia@ssec.wisc.edu
Gray, Mark UWisconsin MAS instrument mark.gray@ssec.wisc.edu
Gumley, Liam UWisconsin MAS instrument liam.gumley@ssec.wisc.edu
Hall, Dorothy GSFC WINCE snow detection Scientist dhall@glacier.gsfc.nasa.gov
Hart, Bill GSFC CLS instrument billhart@virl.gsfc.nasa.gov
Herbsleb, Bob UWisconsin HIS instrument bob.herbsleb@ssec.wisc.edu
Hlavka, Dennis GSFC CLS Instrument
Howell, Ben UWisconsin HIS/AERI Support ben.howell@ssec.wisc.edu
Huang, Allen UWisconsin HIS instrument allen.huang@ssec.wisc.edu
Huberty, Brian USDA snow detection brian.huberty@mw.nrcs.usda.gov
Knuteson, Bob UWisconsin AERI instrument P.I. bob.knuteson@ssec.wisc.edu
LaPorte, Dan UWisconsin HIS/AERI Support dandl@rain.org
McRae, Dennis UWisconsin AERI/HIS Support dennis.mcrae@ssec.wisc.edu
Menzel, Paul UWisconsin WINCE Clouds Scientist, MAS P.I. paul.menzel@ssec.wisc.edu
Moeller, Chris UWisconsin MAS instrument chris.moeller@ssec.wisc.edu
Nolin, Anne UColorado snow detection nolin@spectra.colorado.edu
Olson, Erik UWisconsin Data support team eriko@ssec.wisc.edu
Pacifico, Patrick Persoft Wireless Network Link Contact pacifico@persoft.com
Paolos, Bob UWisconsin AERI/HIS Support bob.paolos@ssec.wisc.edu
Racette, Paul GSFC MIR instrument per@meneg.gsfc.nasa.gov
Revercomb, Hank UWisconsin HIS instrument hank.revercomb@ssec.wisc.edu
Riggs, George GSFC snow detection griggs@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov
Scott, Stan GSFC CLS Instrument
Short, John UWisconsin HIS instrument john.short@ssec.wisc.edu
Smith, Bill UWisconsin HIS instrument P.I. bill.smith@ssec.wisc.edu
Spinhirne, Jim GSFC CLS instrument P.I. spinhirne@gsfc.nasa.gov
Strabala, Kathy UWisconsin MAS instrument kathy.strabala@ssec.wisc.edu
Tobin, David UWisconsin CO monitoring david.tobin@ssec.wisc.edu
Van Delst, Paul UWisconsin HIS instrument paul.vandelst@ssec.wisc.edu
Wade, Gary UWisconsin Data support team gary.wade@ssec.wisc.edu
Walden, Von UWisconsin Data support team von.walden@ssec.wisc.edu
Wang, Jim GSFC MIR instrument P. I. wang@sensor.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wolf, Walt UWisconsin HSRL instrument walt.wolf@ssec.wisc.edu
Woolf, Hal UWisconsin AERI/HIS Instrument hal.woolf@ssec.wisc.edu

Please send me email to the address below and I will add as I receive corrections and additions.

5) Truax Phone Numbers

ER-2 Crew:


From: Jim McKay Truax Communications

6) WINCE Timeline

                                       J A N                                   F E B
                       23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13
Deployment             **********************************ER-2 at Truax Field*********************************
HSRL operation         *******************************Operational on Flight days*****************************
AERI (SSEC)            *******************************Operational on Flight days*****************************
Classonde (SSEC)       *******************************Operational on Flight days*****************************
AERIbago                               ***Illinois and Park Falls, WI***                           
Snow Project in VT/NH (D. Hall)                           ***************************                           
LANDSAT overpass (D. Hall)                                                  *                               
IMG turned on                *****************                                      ***************         
Snow Project in WI  (D. Hall via J. Foster)                                                      ******  
Lake Ice (Anne Nolin)  *********    *******************
CO monitor
      Park Falls       *****************************Continuous On an hourly basis*****************************
      Peterborough, ON ************************Operated During Overflights************************************

Send corrections or suggestions for the WINCE Homepage to: wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu

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