TAMDAR AERI-bago Validation Experiment (TAVE) Daily Summary ----------------------- Date: 03 March 2005 CST (Sunday) 0000-2400 UTC Location: Tennessee Air National Guard at MEM Airport Operators: K. Bedka, S. Bedka http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/tamdar/ Weather Conditions: Mostly Sunny skies in the morning and continuing throughout the day. Highs in upper 50s. Light southerly winds. Instrument Status: * Surface pressure, RH, and tmeperature sensors working and archiving. * Ceilometer working and archiving. * GPS system working and archiving * AERI working and archiving. * Radiosonde system is working and archiving. As of 2015 UTC on 022804, ASOS surface wind data from KMEM is included as the lowest observation level within the radiosonde data. Surface pressure, temperature, and humidity observations will still come from the AERIbago's instrument tower. 0100 Launch normal, data good. 1430, 1615, 2015 No launches 2300 Launch normal, data good. Science/Miscellaneous: The operators launched 2, rather than 5 radiosondes today. There has been tremendous success with radiosonde launches over the past few days and we are on track to hit the experiment goal of 50-60 successful radiosonde launches. The operators decided that since today's weather pattern was very similar to the past 2 days, the morning launches were not necessary. The evening launches were carried out due to the fact that the 2300 and 0100 UTC launches have the closest overlap with the highest number of TAMDAR instruments. The operators have 15 sondes remaining within the AERIbago. AERIBago contact number: 608-219-0565 If you or anyone you know would like to be included on this email list please respond to these summaries with your contact information. Cheers, Sarah Bedka