International ATOVS Processing Package

Part of the CIMSS Web

Background on the ITPP and IAPP

The International ATOVS Processing Package (IAPP), and its predecessor the International TOVS Processing Package (ITPP), have been developed to retrieve atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, total ozone and other parameters in both clear and cloudy atmospheres from ATOVS/TOVS radiance measurements. The IAPP algorithm, which operates on NOAA-15 and later data, retrieves the parameters in 4 steps: 1) cloud detection and removal; 2) bias adjustment; 3) regression retrieval; and 4) nonlinear iterative physical retrieval.  A recent publication by Li, Wolf, Menzel, Zhang, Huang and Achtor, Journal of Applied Meteorology (August 2000) provides details on the algorithm.

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Real Time Orbital Elements

These orbital elements are available daily after about 1310 UTC. They originate from the standard TBUS signal, and therefore predict orbital state about 3 days in the future. These orbital elements have been reformatted so they may be input directly into the ITPP/IAPP by running program 'putele'.NOTICE:These elements are provided as a service to the user community. They are not meant to support any operational effort. Although CIMSS expects to be able to provide these elements indefinitely, we reserve the right to discontinue this service at any time.

Current Radiance Bias Tuning Parameters

  • Parameters for ITPP (spacecraft through NOAA-14) are no longer available (last updated June 1998)
  • Parameters for IAPP (NOAA-15, 16, etc.) will be available in the near future.

Updated 23 October 2002
Space Science and Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison