Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative

CIMSS / SSEC – UW-Madison

3rd Annual Workshop on Hyperspectral Meteorological Science of UW MURI and Beyond

Meetings / 2003

University of Wisconsin-Madison's Pyle Center

28-29 May 2003

Contact Persons:
John Mecikalski and Allen Huang were the contact people for this meeting. Please RSVP for this meeting with either John or Maria.

Final Agenda:
PDF or MS Word.

List of Participants.

PRESENTATIONS from 3rd Workshop:

Wednesday, May 28

8:30 am Welcome: Agenda Review & Goals Huang/Ackerman
9:00-9:20 am Opening Remarks: Perspective McCoy
9:20-9:50 am NASA GIFTS/IOMI Mission Status Overview Smith (PPT or PDF)
9:50-10:20 am NOAA GIFTS/IOMI Product assessment plan Petersen (PPT or PDF)

10:30-11:00 am ONR/NRL IOMI Plans & Needs ONR/NRL
11:00-11:30 am UW GIFTS/IOMI Activities Overview Ackerman (PPT or PDF)
11:30-12:00 pm MURI Management & Progress Report Mecikalski (PPT or PDF)

1:20-1:40 pm Clear Radiative Transfer & Forward Models Tobin/Moy (PPT or PDF)
1:40-2:20 pm GIFTS Simulated Data Production Posselt/Olson/Davies (PPT or PDF)
2:20-2:40 pm Atmospheric Profiles & Retrievals Li/Sun (PDF)
2:40-3:00 pm Information Content Analysis A. Huang (PPT or PDF)

3:20-3:30 pm Subcontractor Reports: Overview A. Huang (PPT or PDF)
3:30-3:50 pm Surface Characterization Lucey (PPT or PDF)
3:50-4:10 pm Cloud & Cloud Property Modeling Yang (PPT or PDF)
4:10-4:30 pm Aerosol & Dust Modeling Sokolik (PDF)
4:30-4:50 pm High Temporal Cloud Detection Jedlovec/Sundar (PPT or PDF)

Thursday, May 29

8:30-8:50 am GIFTS/GOES Boundary/Turbulence Applications Mecikalski (PPT or PDF)
8:50-9:10 am High-Temporal Hyperspectral Boundary Layer Applications Feltz (PPT or PDF)
9:10-9:30 am Spectral Signature of dust, smoke and aerosol Ackerman (PPT or PDF)
9:30-9:50 am GOES-R Sounder: Hyper-spectral Environmental Suite Schmit (PPT or PDF)

All meeting updates will be available on this web site.

Last Updated on 01-Dec-2004 by SSEC Webmaster