20070503 Flight Status
From Bob Wells:
Texas was the subject of multiple severe weather warnings and a major storm hit Houston early in the morning. Shortly after 3am the early shift had difficulty driving to the airport through heavy rain and hail. A dead bird on the tarmac provided evidence of bird strike while parked (a first ?) and later it was discovered that the science exhaust pipes had filled with water. No evacuation flight had been set up so it was a great relief to find the aircraft undamaged.
However, the wet conditions caused the WB57 to postpone their potential take-off time beyond the 146 NOTAM so, after some discussion, the day’s flights had to be cancelled.
Two flights have been planned for the final day of detachment flying - a 5.5-hour- double-satellite-pass-with-WB57-intercomparison-over-the-Gulf-of-Mexico-sortie in the morning followed by a short Houston Plume expedition in the evening.
The absence of any further reports from Houston may be interpreted as an excellent conclusion to a successful detachment.
Many thanks to all those who made this possible.+