JAVIEx WB-57 flight schedule
The current WB-57 schedule for the remainder of the JAVIEx deployment:
Sat Apr 28 2007
CART site
- forecasted clear skies over CART site
- same waypoints as Friday’s flight with a tight racetrack at the CART site
- 90 nautical mile legs for racetrack pattern
- 0845 AM CDT takeoff
- 0445 AM CDT hands on
Sun Apr 29 2007
Gulf of Mexico
- forecasted clear skies over Gulf of Mexico
- 0945 AM CDT takeoff
- 0545 AM CDT hands on
Mon Apr 30 2007
- no flight
Tue May 1 2007
- METOP flight track not optimum for underpass
- Considering an aircraft intercomparison themed flight with an off-track underpass of METOP over the Gulf of Mexico
- AQUA is in the western GOM at 1400 CDT
Wed May 2 2007
- Flight
Thu May 3 2007
- Flight
Fri May 4 2007
- Flight
A clear sky zenith view intercomparison of S-HIS and ARIES will be attempted onsite if conditions allow. Dan LaPorte / Bob Knuteson / Steve Dutcher will coordinate with Stuart Newman. A post experiment comparison between S-HIS and NAST-I should allow us to effectively compare all 3 instruments in detail.
- S-HIS in pod with EGSE
- S-HIS on tarmac near hangar
- scene mirror programmed for 3-view (HBB, ABB, Zenith) or 4-view (HBB, ABB, Zenith, and Nadir)
- Place NAST-I ice bath blackbody in Nadir view????
- ARIES in Bae146
- on aircraft power
- on tarmac at Southwest services