2 New S-HIS QC Quicklook Pages: Quality Check of Distributed netCDF Radiances and Calibration Reference Views
Two new data quality check pages have been added to the JAVIEX S-HIS quicklooks.
An example of the first quality check page is available at:
The link to the page appears in the left frame of the S-HIS mission homepage (http://deluge.ssec.wisc.edu/~shis) and is labeled ‘Netcdf Quality Check Plots’.
The page contains 5 plots. The plots are intended to indicate whether questionable calibrated radiances are being included in the distributed science product. Questionable radiances are identified using the imaginary part of the calibrated radiance. Significant spectral dependence in the imaginary part of the calibrated radiance indicates a potential problem with the radiometric calibration of that radiance.
Plot # : Description
1: Questionable LW Earth radiances included in the distributed data (LW Real and LW Imag)
2: Questionable MW Earth radiances included in the distributed data (MW Real and MW Imag)
3: Questionable SW Earth radiances included in the distributed data (SW Real and SW Imag)
4: Mean Real Radiance timeseries (wavenumber ranges indicated in title of each subplot)
5: Mean Imag Radiance timeseries. This mean is used to index questionable calibrated radiances (wavenumber ranges indicated in title of each subplot)
For a nominal flight, plots 1, 2, and 3 are empty plots, and no points in the timeseries plots (4 and 5) are marked with red circles. For our extremely high vibration flights on 070416 and 070419 it is evident that the vibration effects have caused problems with some of the radiances that our processing software marks as in ‘good’ segments. There is a similar issue with bad blackbody reference views being marked as good for these days as well as evidenced by the checkerboarding in the BT plot:
The second new web page is a quality check of blackbody radiances included in the calibration pipeline.
A sample of the data quality check page for the Calibration views is available at:
The link for this page will appear in the left frame and is labeled ‘Cal Ref Quality Check Plots’
Again, for a typical flight, our calibration pipeline will not include any bad calibration radiances in the process. From the quality check plots, it is obvious that the high vibrations associated with the sh070416 and sh070419 flights have caused issues with the quality checks within the pipeline.