International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package

 University of Wisconsin-Madison MODIS/AIRS Collocation, AIRS Cloud Mask and AIRS All Sky Single FOV Retrieval Package Version 1.1        16 December 2009

  This package contains updates and improvements to the original UW AIRS Utility Package released in March 2009. It contains software that will allow a user to create an output file containing MODIS/AIRS collocations, an AIRS cloud mask based upon the collocated MODIS cloud mask pixels and then execute an AIRS retrieval algorithm at single field-of-view in all sky conditions using the AIRS cloud mask as input. The statistical retrieval algorithm creates an output binary and/or HDF file containing:
  • surface skin temperature [K]
  • atmospheric temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels
  • total precipitable water (vertically integrated) [cm]
  • atmospheric moisture [g/kg] at 101 pressure levels
  • total ozone amount (vertically integrated) [Dobson units]
  • atmospheric ozone [ppmv] at 101 pressure levels
  • surface emissivity at 2378 (AIRS) wavenumbers
  • cloud top pressure [mbar]
This version allows the use of either direct broadcast passes of arbitrary size or standard MODIS 5 minute granules acquired from the NASA archive. The software allows each step to be run independently or in sequence.

Changes to the package include:
  • The collocation software has been rewritten in C++ by Greg Quinn. The collocation algorithm has not changed. Please see:
    • Nagle, Frederick W. and Robert E. Holz, 2009: Computationally Efficient Methods of Collocating Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground Observations. J. of Atmos. and Ocean Tech., Volume 26, Issue 8, pp. 1585-1595.

  • The collocation airsmodhdf.exe executable has been replaced by the airsmod_static executable, and the arguments to it are:
    • airsmod_static airsfile modis_geo_file output_file

  • You can now use either direct broadcast MODIS geolocation and cloud mask files (files that cover the same usable data orbit as AIRS) using the IMAPP naming conventions a1.yyddd.hhmm.geo.hdf and a1.yyddd.hhmm.mod35.hdf or the 2 to 3 DAAC/MODAPS 5 minute granule segments that coincide with the AIRS data with naming conventions MYD03.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.005.yyyydddhhmmss.hdf and MYD35_L2.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.005.yyyydddhhmmss.hdf.
  • There is a new argument to the main run script "MODE" that lets the program know whether you are processing Direct Broadcast MODIS data segments (passes of arbitrary size using the IMAPP naming conventions) or NASA archive 5 minute segments.

             MODE is either 1 or 2
        1 = Direct Broadcast MODIS files (naming convention a1...)
        2 = MODAPS Archive 5 minute files (naming convention MYD..)

  • Two new scripts have been written to run the collocation and cloud mask on the 5 minute MODIS granules (there will be either 2 or 3 files per 6 minute AIRS L1B file)


More information is provided in the release README file that is included with the package. To download the software, please select the DOWNLOAD NOW link below.

PLEASE NOTE: There is new version of the AIRS single field-of-view software that no longer requires the MODIS cloud mask as input, and therefore does not require the MODIS/AIRS collocation software or the AIRS cloud mask software. To use that software package, please see the UWAIRS dual regression retrieval software page.