International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package

 MODIS Polar2grid Reprojection Software Version 1.2 Release     28 August 2014

   Update to the IMAPP software that enables users to create:
  • High Resolution MODIS Level 1B GeoTIFF files for a selection of visible and infrared bands;
  • High Resolution MODIS True Color 24 bit GeoTIFF files.

What's new in Version 1.2?

  • A 250m resolution predefined grid definition is available that will fit data to a 250m Platte Carrée (wgs84) projection.
  • Fixed a problem with 250m MODIS file interpolations from 1km geolocation files that contained missing values.
  • Proj4 grid entries used by the polar2grid software now use latitude/longitude degrees as reference coordinates instead of radians. If you are using grids previously defined by the script, you will have to define the grids again.

The software uses standard IMAPP or NASA Archive HDF4 files as input, and allows the user a selection of projections or grids to use for the remapping. The default GeoTIFF projection is the WGS 84/Platte Carrée coordinate system. The software also allows the user to define and create grids covering a locally defined region.

The execution takes place using simple bash shell scripts, with the user specifying a directory containing the MODIS L1B files, or the files themselves.

Software, execution scripts and documentation are included with the release.

This software is also capable of creating S-NPP VIIRS instrument GeoTIFF files, and is being co-released as part of the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP).