Level 2 v3.0 release 6 August 2014
This package consists of a nearly complete upgrade of the
MODIS Level 2 software package that transforms Aqua and Terra MODIS Level 1B input files into Level 2 science data products.
This release consists of a number of major changes, including:
- NASA Atmosphere Group Collect 6 Baselined Software has been ported and
wrapped for stand alone execution. Output products are now identical in format (including metadata), as the standard archived MODIS products. The MODIS Collect 6 software products included with this package are:
- MOD35 - Cloud Mask
- MOD06CT - Cloud Top Properties and Infrared Cloud Phase
- MOD07 - Atmospheric Profiles
- MOD04 - Aerosol Product including Dark and Bright Target (Deep Blue) algorithms
- Aqua MODIS algorithms now default to include a pre-processing step
that re-registers the 250m bands (Bands 1 and 2) with the other spatial resolution bands. More information on the this process is described in the
release documentation.
- MODIS IMAPP, LAADS and LANCE input file naming conventions can now be used.
- A MODIS Cloud Mask easy to read first byte HDF4 product has been added that stores original bit values as two-byte integers.
- Quicklook product generation is now performed using open source python based software.
- IMAPP MODIS processing scripts have all been converted to Borne Shell (bash). The software no longer includes support for C-Shell (csh).
- Software execution now includes the option to internally compress the output HDF4 products (using hrepack).
In addition to the MODIS baselined products, other products that can be created
using this package include:
- A polar product suite, consisting of:
- 1 km Snow Mask
- 1 km Ice Surface and Surrounding Water Temperatures
- 1 km Ice Cover and Ice Concentration
- 1 km Inversion Strength (C) and Inversion Depth (km)
- IMAPP Sea Surface Temperature.
- IMAPP Near Infrared Total Column Water Vapor.
- MODIS Cloud Mask First Byte easy to read product.
The polar product software was developed by the University of
Wisconsin-Madison cryosphere team headed by Dr. Jeffrey Key, NOAA/ASPB.
The set of polar products will be created if the center of the MODIS pass is north of 60 North Latitude or South of 60 South Latitude. The software for these
products has not changed since the previous IMAPP MODIS Level 2 V2.2 release.
The package includes installation and execution instructions, as well
as source code, pre-compiled statically linked executables and individual product documentation.