MODIS Level 1 Version 1.0 release 15 September 2023 This is the first IMAPP release of a stand alone MODIS Level 1 software package that accepts input MODIS Level 0 Production Data Set (PDS) files and creates output Level 1B calibrated and geolocated HDF4 files. The IMAPP MODIS Level 1 software is packaged in the form of a container that can be executed on Linux operating systems. It contains binary executable files, scripts and supporting static data files, as well as input and output files for verification of a successful installation. Source code can be provided upon request. The MODIS Level 1 software is created and maintained by the SeaDAS Development Group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) ( ). This release contains only the portion of the SeaDAS software that creates MODIS calibrated and geolocated MODIS Level 1 HDF4 output files. Our intention is to make it easy for the direct broadcast community to create MODIS Level 1 products. System Requirements System requirements for the IMAPP MODIS Level 1 software are as follows: