This is the first release of software that produces
16 km Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) 48 hour forecast fields over a use defined region, using MODIS IMAPP
DBCRAS coarse model 48 km output as initial and boundary conditions.
The output is meteorological parameters, including standard model output fields of
pressure, temperature, moisture, winds and precipitation as well as forecast
satellite imagery IR window (11 micron) brightness temperatures at 16 km resolution
at 3 hour intervals out to 48 hours in grib2 format (WMO standard).
The installation of the software begins with a one time set-up to define the center of the domain (recommended to be the center of the coarse model domain). The nested model can then be executed once the coarse mesh DBCRAS model has begun. There is a replacement script available for the DBCRAS coarse model that will launch the nest model automatically in background. The forecast can then be executed twice per day at the synoptic times of 00 and 12 UTC. This is a linux only binary release that requires an additional 700 MB of disk space to the original DBCRAS coarse mesh grid. To download the coarse mesh 48 km DBCRAS model, please see the IMAPP DBCRAS information page at: Product animations are created automatically using McIDAS-X (see below) and ImageMagick. If you do not have ImageMagick installed, then the software will still create individual static product images for each forecast time period. McIDAS-X binaries are included as part of the release that will automatically create forecast product images and animations upon completion of the model run. This software cannot be redistributed or repackaged without authorization from SSEC (please contact the McIDAS Help Desk). A more detailed description of the release, including installation instructions
can be found in the DBCRAS nest README file at the download site.