AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 16 June 2002 CST (Sunday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: K. Baggett
Weather Conditions:
Rain event from mesoscale convective complex lasted from about 0100 UTC
to 0630 UTC. Cloudiness persisted until around 1200 UTC when AERI
retrievals picked up again. Otherwise, clear and much cooler today,
highs in the upper 70's to near 80 with dewpoints in the upper 40's, low
50's. Cirrus shield moving into the area from New Mexico/Colorado
around the end of the UTC day.
Instrument Status:
AERI/Stirling cooler operating well. Hatch closed during rain event
above. LW Responsivity again becomes slightly in the yellow during the
day, green at night. Everything else is green.
Boundary Level Heterogeneity mission took place far to the east with P3,
Lear, and King Air. A down day for Homestead. University of Alabama
Huntsville's Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS) has joined the
other trailers out at Homestead.
Kevin took advantage of the good weather and down day to travel out
westward to Colorado and New Mexico for a "short" road trip. Not much
going on that way, but drove up to the top of a pretty cool dormant
volcano (Calupin National Monument). Derek arrives tomorrow to take
over until June 22.
Kevin Baggett e-mail:kevinb@ssec.wisc.edu
UW-Madison/SSEC phone: (608)265-2740
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
1225 W Dayton St, Room 253
Madison WI 53706
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