Subject: [Ihop] AERI-bago IHOP Report 15-June-2002
From: Kevin Baggett
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 02:28:02 +0000

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 15 June 2002 CST (Saturday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: K. Baggett

Weather Conditions:

Possible small shower  around 0400 UTC.    Active weather day - very
strong southerly winds (25-35 mph, higher gusts), preceding an
approaching  front and accompanying mesoscale complexes.  CAPE rose
steadily in the late afternoon, but Homestead remained in a gap of
cloudiness until the end of the UTC day.    Temperatures with clear sky
climbed to near 90, with dewpoints in the 60's. Homestead eventually
rained on from mesoscale complex approaching southward from Kansas.
This system produced a possible tornado north of Liberal and another one
off of US 83 in the central part of the Oklahoma panhandle.

Instrument Status:

AERI/Stirling cooler operating well.  Hatch closed during brief time
from 0340 to 0423 UTC.  Longwave responsivity seems to stay green during
the night and becomes slightly in the yellow during the late
afternoons.  Everything else is green.


Low level jet mission for the morning was cancelled due to
"inappropriate weather".  Convective Initiation mission proceeded with
the P3, Lear, King Air, and the Falcon (its last day at IHOP).  Mobile
facilities converged on Guymon OK at a cumulus line, but were seen
returning to S-POL at around 2200 UTC.  Mission called down about this
time with so much active weather nearby.

Telecon in Raman lidar trailer with a little better reception today, but
still cold.    John Mecikalski dropped by again with another visitor
from S-Pol around 1630 UTC (Tammy ?, second in charge of IHOP).  Kevin
left around 2115 UTC after looking at the satellite showing all the
surrounding action and didn't feel like getting stuck in the mud.  Dark
clouds on the horizon all the way home with tornado warning just north
of Liberal.  At Liberal, not much action however, after initial cooldown
and some swirling clouds.  Cloud of dust went down Pancake Blvd and then
things seemed to warm up again.  John stayed at S-POL, where he said no
rain, but a big wall of dust and gravel on a 60 mph gust that, quote,
"hurt". :)

Kevin Baggett        
UW-Madison/SSEC                phone: (608)265-2740
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
1225 W Dayton St, Room 253
Madison WI 53706

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