AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 14 June 2002 CST (Friday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: K. Baggett
Weather Conditions:
Small shower occurred around 0730 to 0755 UTC. Scattered cirrus upon
arrival at site with thicker shield to the south. High temperatures
more similar to Wisconsin in the upper 70's to low 80's and dewpoints
drying into the 40's but increasing later to the 50's. Skies clear
enough to make Boundary Layer Evolution mission a go. Alto/Cirrocumulus
thickens as afternoon wears on. Altostratus with scattered cumulus at
the end of the UTC day.
Instrument Status:
AERI/Stirling cooler operating well. Hatch may not have closed fast
enough during rain event above, causing brief red of LW and SW
Responsivity. By end of rain event, this seems to have corrected
itself. Hatch also closed from 1120 to 1210 UTC, but this may have been
a dew thing. LW Responsivity occasionally in the yellow throughout the
day, but not much below threshold. Everything else is green.
Boundary Level Evolution mission OKed at the last minute. Forecast
proved to be accurate as Homestead area cleared enough for mission to
take place. All available resources thrown at this mission with P-3,
King Air, Falcon, and DC-8 flying. DC-8 ferried back to Dryden after
the mission was finished. All indications were that mission was a
Went to Raman lidar trailer to listen to 1 pm conference, but connection
was pretty bad. Kevin left as it wasn't worth freezing to death in that
trailer when he couldn't hear what was going on :) John Mecikalski
dropped by with a visitor from S-Pol around 2030 UTC. Afterwards, Kevin
and John tried to connect their laptops up to the network. Called in to
Steve Dutcher and was able to get John's computer up. Kevin had
purchased a new pigtail, but Steve surmised that Kevin's laptop did not
have the proper drivers to enable network access. So, Kevin will
continue to use simoon for network access.
Kevin Baggett e-mail:kevinb@ssec.wisc.edu
UW-Madison/SSEC phone: (608)265-2740
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
1225 W Dayton St, Room 253
Madison WI 53706
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