AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 11 June 2002 CST (Tuesday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: B. Knuteson/K. Baggett
Weather Conditions:
Mostly clear, highs in low to mid-90's, dewpoints in mid 50's. Dryline
to the west toward New Mexico.
Instrument Status:
AERI operating well, stirling cooler is nominal.
Convective initiation mission was conducted by DC-8, P-3, Lear and
DC-8 and P-3 made several passes over the Homestead/S-Pol site for
comparisons. Frontal surge boundary progressed from the northwest at
1300 UTC and stalled
just southeast of S-POL at 1615 UTC before retreating back northwestward
about 1930 UTC.
Some convection seen far to the southeast around 2300 UTC.
Bob Knuteson arrived at the site around 1430 UTC, rebooted the weather
station and power cycled the network.
Bob left soon after to conduct VICI repairs.
AERIbago ran unattended until Kevin Baggett arrived at 2200 UTC. Bob K
returned at 23:00 UTC to initiate
Kevin into the ways of the BAGO. Kevin left around 23:30 while Bob K
remained to work on the Stirling cooler.
Kevin Baggett e-mail:kevinb@ssec.wisc.edu
UW-Madison/SSEC phone: (608)265-2740
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
1225 W Dayton St, Room 253
Madison WI 53706
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