Subject: [Ihop] AERI-bago IHOP Report 8-June-2002
From: Wayne Feltz
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:34:37 -0500
To: IHOP/Mail/list

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 8 June 2002 CST (Saturday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: W. Feltz

Weather Conditions:

Mostly clear overnight and during day, high's in mid-90s, dewpoints have risen into the mid-60's and outflow boundary from elevated convection over central Oklahoma has progressed westward to Homestead/S-Pol area. PBL moisture convergence ahead of boundary has increased amount of moisture over homestead dramatically.  Outflow proceeded over homestead after 00 UTC

Instrument Status:

AERI operating well, stirling cooler is nominal.

No flights today.  Good case of outflow boundary passage from east to west over homestead site.  Dramatic increase in moisture between 12 - 00 UTC.

AERIbago is running unattended.  Raman Lidar personnel (Belay Demoz and Dave Whiteman) providing
emergency support if needed.  Bob Knuteson and Ralph Dedecker are supporting the S-HIS and NAST-I
in OKC and can respond within six hours if AERI needs attendance.

Wayne F. Feltz                                      CIMSS/SSEC
Cooperative Institute for Meteorlogical Studies     UW-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center                1225 W. Dayton Rm 239 University of Wisconsin - Madison                   Madison, Wisconsin  53706       Tel:  (608) 265-6283  Fax:  (608) 262-5974

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