AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 6 June 2002 CST (Thursday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: W. Feltz
Weather Conditions:
Mostly clear overnight and during day, temp in mid-80's, winds
Southerly 10-15
Instrument Status:
AERI operating well, stirling cooler is nominal. AERI hatch closed
overnight due to unheated Vaisala sensor reaching near 100% rh and some
patchy fog. Surface station may be operating however data is not being
downloaded to SSEC (maybe IP address initialization needed).
Good afternoon boundary layer evolution day at homestead. A boundary
layer mission was planned during afternoon for King Air and Falcon.
AERIbago is running unattended. Raman Lidar personnel (Belay Demoz and
Dave Whiteman) providing
emergency support if needed. Bob Knuteson and Ralph Dedecker are
supporting the S-HIS and NAST-I
in OKC and can respond within six hours if AERI needs attendance.
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