AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 3 June 2002 CST (Monday)
Location: UW-Madison SSEC/CIMSS
Operator: W. Feltz
Weather Conditions:
Very hot again, temps in the middle 90's, extensive cirrus developed over site in the afternoon. Thunderstorms developed west and north of site. A heat burst was detected at Amarillo, TX at 830UTC, temperature went from mid-70's to near 90F at 3 am local. AERI retrieval profiles indicated very hot well mixed atmosphere above radiational inversion and several near surface temperature fluctuations as air mixed down (thought to be due to nearby convection)
Instrument Status:
AERI operating well, stirling cooler is nominal.
Convective initiation mission was conducted by aircraft. A bore alert was called into early morning on 4 June 2002. Heat burst needs to be investigated from previous night.
AERIbago is running unattended. Raman Lidar personnel (Belay Demoz and Dave Whiteman) providing
emergency support if needed. Bob Knuteson and Ralph Dedecker are supporting the S-HIS and NAST-I
in OKC and can respond within six hours if AERI needs attendance.
Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS/SSEC
Cooperative Institute for Meteorlogical Studies UW-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1225 W. Dayton Rm 239
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706
wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu Tel: (608) 265-6283 Fax: (608) 262-5974
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