AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 31 May 2002 CST (Friday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: R. Tanamachi
Weather Conditions:
Clear in all directions. Very hot; highs ~95 F, dewpoints in the 50's F.
Moderate southerly winds (10-20 mph).
Instrument Status:
Stirling cooler was turned back on at 1330 UTC; all seemed well until
about 1600 UTC when the cooler current became extremely erratic. BobK,
RalphD and others decided the best course of action would be to power
cycle the cooler again overnight (starting around 2200 UTC), and then
let it run unattended until Bob or someone else can make it out to
homestead (perhaps on Tuesday) to swap out the failing stirling cooler
for a different one. Robin changed AERIbago status on the IHOP site to
"provisonal." Retrieved AERI profiles are noticably warmer than previous
ones (although it is noticably warmer outside as well).
No flights planned over homestead today.
Robin is making preparations for leaving the AERIbago unattended for a
few days, including posting emergency contact phone numbers and a small
map indicating where various pieces of equipment are located within the
'bago. The NASA Lidar people have the keys.
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