AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 30 May 2002 CST (Thursday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: R. Tanamachi
Weather Conditions:
Low, broken cirrostratus deck in the morning, trailing behind a N-S line
of rain showers at the dryline in the eastern panhandle. Light southerly
winds carrying the delightful smell of manure in from Texas. High ~87 F.
Instrument Status:
Hatch door closed overnight due to fog. Stirling cooler current is still
erratic. Robin to power cycle the stirling cooler overnight starting at
around 2300 UTC (after NAST-I and S-HIS are back on the ground).
No flight or ground missions planned in the vicinity of homestead today.
NAST-I and S-HIS conducted BLH missions aboard the Proteus and DC-8.
bago-wx, after some coaching, seems to be completely recovered from its
reboot yesterday.
Robin to drive to Oklahoma City on June 1st to catch her flight home,
leaving the AERIbago unattended for a few days. (Cross your
fingers.) Keys will be left with the Lidar people at the site in case of
an emergency.
First snake sighting at the homestead site! It didn't look like a
poisonous one; unfortunately it was camera-shy and slithered away before
Robin could get a picture. =P
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