AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 29 May 2002 CST (Wednesday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: R. Tanamachi
Weather Conditions:
Clear all day with light winds in the morning. High ~85 F. Weak dryline
moving in from the west caused a few small, isolated cumulonimbus towers
to appear along the western skyline during the afternoon, accompanied by
stronger southerly winds at the homestead site.
Instrument Status:
AERI hatch closed during the night for unknown reasons (possibly
condensation on the rain sensor). Stirling cooler current is looking
funny; Wayne says the cooler may need to be power cycled at some point
when the AERI is not collecting good data (i.e. during rain).
KingAir and LearJet flyovers today around noon for BLH. Mobile ground
units on standby.
Convective outlook for the next three days looks pretty boring.
IHOP Ops Center in Norman called to encourage AERIbago people to attend
the 8:15 am weather briefings at the DOW garage in Liberal.
Weather station (bago-wx) appears to have powered itself down due to a
dead battery, in spite of the fact that it was firmly plugged into the
power strip. Moved the power adapter to a different outlet, rebooted,
and restarted Camptown; seems to be ok now.
Best country song lyrics ever (heard on K101 today):
"Well, I was drunk the day that Momma got out of prison
And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
Momma got runned over by a dang ol' train."
- David Allen Cole, "You Never Call Me By My Name"
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