AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 28 May 2002 CST (Tuesday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: R. Tanamachi
Weather Conditions:
Clear over the site in the morning, puffy cumulus clouds in the
afternoon, with a few scattered showers in the area. Temps in the upper
70's, light winds.
Instrument Status:
AERI is still performing beautifully. The hatch stayed closed for most
of the day yesterday due to rain. Am beginning to think that the "LW
responsivity" indicator's "yellow" state during the middle of the day is
a normal phenomenon.
No flights planned over the homestead site today.
Had a couple visitors from S-Pol today who just wanted a tour of the
homestead site: Bob (NCAR) and Frederic (S-Pol P.I.).
Note to anyone coming to tend the 'bago in the future: Get a vehicle
with 4 wheel drive, or carpool with someone who has one. After it rains,
the road out here may as well be covered with grease.
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