AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 24 May 2002 CST (Friday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: W. Feltz, R. Tanamachi, T. Achtor
Weather Conditions:
Strong cold frontal passage occurred after thunderstorm activity last
night. In its wake, low clouds, drizzle and low-40 F temps. Strong NNE
winds. AERI hatch has been opening and closing.
Instrument Status:
AERI has been operating, however with low clouds, rain, and drizzle,
very little useful data today (00 - 24 UTC). Wayne turned the stirling
cooler off at 2025 UTC to let the subsystem rest over night.
Down day at the homestead and S-Pol sites. Convective initiation
experiment was conducted 100 miles to the southeast of site near cold front.
Tom Achtor and Wayne went on a sight seeing excursion to do some storm
chasing but to no avail, just lots of stratus and some rain.
Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS/SSEC
Cooperative Institute for Meteorlogical Studies UW-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1225 W. Dayton Rm 239
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706
wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu Tel: (608) 265-6283 Fax: (608) 262-5974