AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 23 May 2002 CST (Thursday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: W. Feltz, R. Tanamachi, T. Achtor
Weather Conditions:
Cold frontal passage occurred at ~ 12 UTC this morning. AERI retrievals
depict passage very well:
Notice strong moisture gradient at ~12 UTC indicating rapid decrease in
water vapor content in atmosphere. Winds were strong northeasterly,
skies generally clear temps in 60's. During afternoon a surge of
moisture returned about boundary layer causing rapid destabilization
just southeast of homestead site. Tom and I went chasing to Follet, TX
in afternoon. Robin did the same. We got some beautiful pictures of
hail swath and golf ball size hail.
Robin got a camera shot of a mesocyclone and a small tornado spin up.
This all occurred about an hour southeast of the homestead site. Ill
put some pictures online soon. Large thunderstorms approached the
homestead site from the southwest, hail and rain around the site.
Added other images at:
Instrument Status:
AERI generally performing well. Some anomalous chilled mirror activity
occurred over night (20020523), check out the summary files. Surface
station running well.
Convective initiation experiment conducted throughout area (and we had
CI). Good cold frontal passage this morning with post frontal
convection in afternoon.
Went chasing most of afternoon, Bago very automated, need to mark today
down as good science case study.
Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS/SSEC
Cooperative Institute for Meteorlogical Studies UW-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1225 W. Dayton Rm 239
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706
wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu Tel: (608) 265-6283 Fax: (608) 262-5974