AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 20 May 2002 CST (Monday)
Location: Homestead Site (near Balko, Oklahoma) , IHOP field campaign
Operator: W. Feltz
Weather Conditions:
Mostly clear, thin cirrus veil most of day, temperature ~80F, very
windy, some dust
Instrument Status:
AERI ran well overnight, installed the AERI sky view aperature at ~1846
UTC (per request by Hank Revercomb), one AERI radiance at record number
159 (1851 UTC) was contaminated by the installation procedure. Retaped
the AERI chimney cloth. Ralph Dedecker updated the atmospheric pressure
AESITTER.SCR to account for lower atmospheric pressure at site.
Surface station running well.
AERI retrievals are operational and running well. Boundary layer flights
by the Wyoming King Air were conducted today. Updated bago web page
below with other homestead data links.
Robin Tanamachi last night and is working on multiple AERI x-sections.
Bill Brown went back to Boulder today.
Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS/SSEC
Cooperative Institute for Meteorlogical Studies UW-Madison
Space Science and Engineering Center 1225 W. Dayton Rm 239
University of Wisconsin - Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53706
wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu Tel: (608) 265-6283 Fax: (608) 262-5974