AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 16 May 2002 CST (Thursday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: Tobin
Weather Conditions:
Mostly clear again with lighter winds (10mph) from the North at mid-morning.
Strong low level inversion developed and some low level clouds into the
afternoon. 6pm local: Winds are picking up and shifting to the NE, and a
thunderstorm to our west with high cirrus blow-off above. A severe
thunderstorm warning in effect for the OK panhandle region. ~8pm: more thick
low clouds now and winds more easterly. thunderstorms thoughout the area.
Instrument Status:
AERI and weather station are up and running.
Detector temp and cooler current are higher than normal and more variable,
causing lower and variable LW responsivities. SW responsivity is nominal,
and the scene mirror looks clean. Shutting down the cooler and letting it
warm up may provide a fix, so will turn off the cooler before I leave tonight.
The wind is playing havoc with the vinyl/velcro chimney. Portions of the
vinyl may have caused a partial obstruction during last night's
observations, but I can't find any grossly obvious evidence of it in the
spectra. I've re-done some of the seams with thicker velcro and reinforced
them with tape.
Obs-Calcs using the May 13 sonde shows the same laser wavenumber shift in the
SW as was seen in the checkout in WI. Re-installed the new zfli.si*
parameter files today - changes will take effect on tomorrow's (051702
UTC) data.
The MIPS set up next to the Bago today. They have a Radiometrics
profiling MWR and we plan on doing some pwv and profile intercomparisons.
Some comparisons to calculations using the ISS May 13th radiosonde are
online at http://glacier.ssec.wisc.edu/~davet/ihop/
There was a meeting today at 10:30am at S-Pol to discuss communication
proceedures - I missed it because I didn't know about it :o)
Plans in place for a Falcon overflight tomorrow evening.
AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 16 May 2002 CST (Thursday)
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP
Operator: Tobin
Weather Conditions:
Mostly clear again with lighter winds (10mph) from the North at mid-morning.
Strong low level inversion developed and some low level clouds into the
afternoon. 6pm local: Winds are picking up and shifting to the NE, and a
thunderstorm to our west with high cirrus blow-off above. A severe
thunderstorm warning in effect for the OK panhandle region. ~8pm: more thick
low clouds now and winds more easterly. thunderstorms thoughout the area.
Instrument Status:
AERI and weather station are up and running.
Detector temp and cooler current are higher than normal and more variable,
causing lower and variable LW responsivities. SW responsivity is nominal,
and the scene mirror looks clean. Shutting down the cooler and letting it
warm up may provide a fix, so will turn off the cooler before I leave tonight.
The wind is playing havoc with the vinyl/velcro chimney. Portions of the
vinyl may have caused a partial obstruction during last night's
observations, but I can't find any grossly obvious evidence of it in the
spectra. I've re-done some of the seams with thicker velcro and reinforced
them with tape.
Obs-Calcs using the May 13 sonde shows the same laser wavenumber shift in the
SW as was seen in the checkout in WI. Re-installed the new zfli.si*
parameter files today - changes will take effect on next day's (051702 UTC)
The MIPS set up next to the Bago today. They have a Radiometrics
profiling MWR and we plan on doing some pwv and profile intercomparisons.
Some comparisons to calculations using the ISS May 13th radiosonde are
online at http://glacier.ssec.wisc.edu/~davet/ihop/
There was a meeting today at 10:30am at S-Pol to discuss communication
proceedures - I missed it because I didn't know about it :o)