Subject: AERI-Bago IHOP Report 13-May-2002
From: Dave Tobin
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 23:46:50 +0000 (GMT)
CC: Wayne Feltz , Dave Tobin

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date:     13 May 2002 CST
Location: Homestead Site, IHOP.
Operator: Tobin, Short

Weather Conditions:

 Clear and nice.  High of about 75F.  Light winds from the North.  
 Some patchy, wispy clouds in the evening.

Instrument Status:

 Power: Fuses were added to the ouside power hook-up today, and the power to the Bago 
   is all set.
 Telephone: The hard line was installed late this afternoon and works fine.  The bag-phone 
   is also working.  (My personal cell phone (US Cellular) also works when in Liberal, but not 
   reliably when on the road or at the Homestead site.)
 Network: The optical lines were run today and everything is working fine.  I can run dhcp from my
   laptop.  Reading email and running netscape is nearly the same as at work.  The only problem 
   I ran into was that bago-aeri, bago-wx, and simoon do not reckognize each other, and are not 
   reckognizable by other machines, using the machine names.  Using the 
   IPaddresses works fine.  I checked all of the nameserve, routing, etc. numbers, and everything
   looks fine to me - if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, let me know.  As a result, the 
   scripts on simoon which grab data from bago-aeri and bago-wx were modified to use ipaddresses.  
   AERI data is being transferred to zonda and ssec-mads via simoon.  But, simoon is not able to get
   files off of the weather station - some OS2 thing regarding the files are currently being 
   written to - Wayne has an email into Ray re: this.

 is up and running.  All flags are green.
 This morning, after power-up, the interferometer was in the (bad) state of [scan=off, 
 zpd = on, data = on], and the message on the MADS screen was "failure to 
 communicate with the interferometer".  After about 15 minutes, the lights went into
 the normal condition [scan=off, zpd=off, data=blinking].  Go figure ??  Tim and Bob
 suggested this might be due to cold temperatures overnight, and suggest running the 
 space heater at a low turn-on temperature tonight.  After ~30 minutes, all flags went to
 green and have stayed that way all day.  After re-starting the system at ~3:30 today (the 
 fuse-box power box thing), the system started in "normal" mode.

 John built and installed an enclosure for the AERI "chimney" area today.  It is built from
 heavy vinyl and has outside air forced into it via the roof fan.

 Weather Station:

 is up and running.  See note above re: inabolity to pull current day's file off.


 is still packed away.  I spoke to Belay and he can be persuaded at to where the unit should go.  
 It is not clear if thier system will work with SuomiNet at this site yet, so we may install our 
 system here.  If their system can work here, I will most likekly install our system ~15 minutes 
 away at the S-Pol site.  I'm not sure about the timing of any of this.  The GSFC Lidar guys are 
 pre-occupied with a broken laser.  (Go passive !)


 Today was a good start-up day.  the NCAR folks launched a baloon at ~1:15 pm and it will make for a
 good check on the AERI.  I hope to get the sonde data tomorrow and do the calculations.  The DRI 
 mobile microwave radiometer (20.6GHz, 31.4GHz) was also parked behind the AERIbago today and so 
 are planning on some comparisons.  The Wyoming King-Airs made an overpass of the site at low altitude 
 today at ~4pm.  I still don't really know what a dry-line is :-).

 John left around 5pm today to catch his early morning flight out of Amarillo.

 Tomorrow is the press day here at the Homestead site, and there is a science meeting at the 
 S-Pol site at 4pm, with a tele/video-con to Norman.  The "tie-down guy" (the richest man in Oklahoma) 
 will also arrive tomorrow to put some tie-downs on the AERI-bago and another trailer.

 I'm planning on putting the auto-hatch to the test, and running through 
 the night tonight.

-- David Tobin CIMSS/SSEC/U.Wisconsin-Madison

----------------------- AERI-bago Daily Summary ----------------------- Date: 13 May 2002 CST Location: Homestead Site, IHOP. Operator: Tobin, Short Weather Conditions: Clear and nice. High of about 75F. Light winds from the North. Some patchy, wispy clouds in the evening. Instrument Status: Power: Fuses were added to the ouside power hook-up today, and the power to the Bago is all set. Telephone: The hard line was installed late this afternoon and works fine. The bag-phone is also working. (My personal cell phone (US Cellular) also works when in Liberal, but not reliably when on the road or at the Homestead site.) Network: The optical lines were run today and everything is working fine. I can run dhcp from my laptop. Reading email and running netscape is nearly the same as at work. The only problem I ran into was that bago-aeri, bago-wx, and simoon do not reckognize each other, and are not reckognizable by other machines, using the machine names. Using the IPaddresses works fine. I checked all of the nameserve, routing, etc. numbers, and everything looks fine to me - if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, let me know. As a result, the scripts on simoon which grab data from bago-aeri and bago-wx were modified to use ipaddresses. AERI data is being transferred to zonda and ssec-mads via simoon. But, simoon is not able to get files off of the weather station - some OS2 thing regarding the files are currently being written to - Wayne has an email into Ray re: this. AERI: is up and running. All flags are green. This morning, after power-up, the interferometer was in the (bad) state of [scan=off, zpd = on, data = on], and the message on the MADS screen was "failure to communicate with the interferometer". After about 15 minutes, the lights went into the normal condition [scan=off, zpd=off, data=blinking]. Go figure ?? Tim and Bob suggested this might be due to cold temperatures overnight, and suggest running the space heater at a low turn-on temperature tonight. After ~30 minutes, all flags went to green and have stayed that way all day. After re-starting the system at ~3:30 today (the fuse-box power box thing), the system started in "normal" mode. John built and installed an enclosure for the AERI "chimney" area today. It is built from heavy vinyl and has outside air forced into it via the roof fan. Weather Station: is up and running. See note above re: inabolity to pull current day's file off. GPS: is still packed away. I spoke to Belay and he can be persuaded at to where the unit should go. It is not clear if thier system will work with SuomiNet at this site yet, so we may install our system here. If their system can work here, I will most likekly install our system ~15 minutes away at the S-Pol site. I'm not sure about the timing of any of this. The GSFC Lidar guys are pre-occupied with a broken laser. (Go passive !) Science: Today was a good start-up day. the NCAR folks launched a baloon at ~1:15 pm and it will make for a good check on the AERI. I hope to get the sonde data tomorrow and do the calculations. The DRI mobile microwave radiometer (20.6GHz, 31.4GHz) was also parked behind the AERIbago today and so are planning on some comparisons. The Wyoming King-Airs made an overpass of the site at low altitude today at ~4pm. I still don't really know what a dry-line is :-). Miscellaneous: John left around 5pm today to catch his early morning flight out of Amarillo. Tomorrow is the press day here at the Homestead site, and there is a science meeting at the S-Pol site at 4pm, with a tele/video-con to Norman. The "tie-down guy" (the richest man in Oklahoma) will also arrive tomorrow to put some tie-downs on the AERI-bago and another trailer. I'm planning on putting the auto-hacth to the test, and running through the night tonight.