The CIMSS Regional Assimilation System (CRAS)


Real Time North American Run (CRAS45)

Updated 14 November 2008

CRAS is a regional numerical weather prediction system used to assess the impact of space-based observations on numerical forecast accuracy.  The CRAS is unique from other mesoscale models in that its development was guided by validating forecasts using information from satellites.

Implementation date: 12 UTC 14 Apr 2008

Configuration:  AWIPS grid number: Superset of NCEP 104 grid, double resolution

Domain: 280 columns x 180 rows x 38 levels

Grid length at 60N is 45.377 km.

Grid type is Arakawa C.

Levels: CRAS45 has 38 sigma levels in the vertical with a floating top at sigma = .036.  The lowest sigma level is at .994.

Map projection parameters: North Pole at (140.5,218.5), rotation = 105W, grid length = 45.337, true at 60N

calculated from 2-minute USGS global database.

Fixed surface fields are determined from 1-degree monthly climatology from GWEX and 2-minute USGS 25 vegetation category dataset.  This includes albedo, roughness length, deep soil temperature, soil moisture, permanent sea ice, greenness, and leaf area index.

Forecast duration

84-hour forecast generated at 00z and 12z with output interval of 3-hours. 

Boundary conditions:  NCEP GFS forecast at 6-hour intervals.

A 12-hour spin-up forecast is used with the CRAS45 to adjust water vapor and clouds.  Satellite information is inserted at the mid-time of each individual satellite scan.  Water vapor, cloud and precipitation mixing ratio from the 12-hour CRAS45 spin-up are merged with 6-hour forecast GFS winds and temperatures from the previous GFS run, i.e. the 6-hour forecast grids from the 06z GFS run are used in the 12z CRAS45.  The merge is conducted on 25 hPa pressure surfaces up to 10 hPa.

Observation types used in by the CRAS45

Surface data
Surface observations are objectively analyzed to the model grid and assigned to those pressure levels that lie below the model topography.  This is done to eliminate spurious values when the predicted variables are interpolated from the analysis pressure levels to the model sigma levels.

Cloud assimilation (Bayler et al., 2000)
GOES cloud-top pressure (CTP) and effective cloud amount (ECA) treatment.  GOES CTP and ECA are first binned to the model grid.  The distribution of CTP is examined to identify high, low, or high and low cloud types.  High and/or low clouds are constructed using the CRAS cloud physics as an upper constraint.  ECA is used to determine the cloud mass to be added to the model grid.  Model background clouds remain untouched when the averaged GOES CTP matches the background.  For clear fields of view model clouds are cleared down to surface and the column humidity is checked and adjusted to insure that clouds will not instantly reappear on the next model time step.  Model clouds lying above the GOES CTP are cleared.

Water vapor assimilation
Variational moisture adjustment using 3-layer precipitable water (PW) retrievals from GOES.  Model mixing ratio columns are adjusted to reflect the three retrieved layers of PW.  A 1-D variational approach is used that preserves model generated lapse rates while adjusting the mixing ratio.  RH of 95% is not exceeded since the retrievals exist in clear fields of view only.

Other observations used by CRAS45

Vertical normal mode (Bourke and McGregor, 1983)

Model Dynamics
Model Physics
New products


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Bayler, G., R. M. Aune and W. H. Raymond, 2000: NWP cloud initialization using GOES sounder data and improved modeling of nonprecipitating clouds.  Mon. Wea. Rev. 128, 3911-3920.

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Raymond, W. H., 1988: High-order low-pass implicit tangent filters for use in finite area calculations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, 2132-2141.

Raymond, W. H., W. S. Olsen, and G. Callan, 1995: Diabatic forcing and initialization with assimilation of cloud and rainwater in a forecast model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 366-382.

Raymond, W. H., and R. M. Aune, 1998: Improved precipitation forecasts using parameterized feedbacks in a hydrostatic forecast model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 693-710.

Raymond, W. H., 1999: Non-local turbulent mixing based on convective adjustment concepts (NTAC). Bound-layer Meteor, 92, 263-291.

Raymond, W. H., 2000: Moisture advection using relative humidity. J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 2397-2408.

Raymond, W. H., and R. M. Aune, 2003: Conservation of moisture in a hybrid Kuo-type cumulus parameterization. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 771-779.

Schreiner, A. J., T. J. Schmit, R. M. Aune, 2002: Maritime inversions and the GOES sounder cloud product. Nat. Wea. Dig., 26, 27-38.

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For more information about the CRAS, contact the CRASmaster at